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Aug 12 2024

Tim Walz and Covid Fraud

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz was an alarming choice for VP, emphasizing both the incompetence and the left-wing radicalism associated with Kamala Harris. Despite the mainstream media’s lack of interest, new revelations emerge one after another. For example, he turned a blind eye to Covid fraud:

Walz allowed Somali fraudsters to steal a jaw-dropping $250 million of your taxpayer money.

This has been described as the “single biggest COVID scam in American history.”

The money was supposed to feed hungry kids. Instead, the cash mysteriously vanished into luxury cars, real estate, and extravagant trips.

Walz reportedly knew what was going on, but let it continue lest the African grifters point a bone at him and say “racist.” People of this caliber will be calling the shots with people of Walz’s caliber in the White House.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Aug 12 2024

Secret Service Breaks Into Business to Use Bathroom

Under Democrat rule, Secret Service agents won’t lift a finger to defend an opposition candidate from an assassination attempt, and some of the DEI hires are too incompetent to get their guns in and out of their holsters anyway, but don’t try to keep them away from your restroom:

The Secret Service apologized to a salon owner in Massachusetts who alleged that individuals broke into her business to use the bathroom during the agency’s security work for a nearby Veep Kamala Harris fundraiser.

Berkshires businesswoman Alicia Powers says someone picked the lock and broke into her store for the bathroom — after a Secret Service officer covered a camera outside her salon with tape.

Very professional.

She claimed that an emergency medical services worker later told her that a Secret Service officer in charge “was telling people to come in and use the bathroom.”

They also left the building unlocked.

Imagine how federal agents will behave when Commie Kamala is officially in charge. To get a general idea, consider what she did in her California AG days to David Daleiden for exposing that her Planned Parenthood bankrollers sell organs from the babies they kill.

But it’s still a soft tyranny for now. The government denied the allegations but also did say sorry.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 12 2024

Open Thread

We need the real, nation-wide terror which reinvigorates the country and through which the Great French Revolution achieved glory. - Vladimir Lenin

On a tip from david1952000.

Aug 11 2024

Quintessential Kamala Harris Supporters

Until Biden was forced out 3 weeks ago, the widely loathed Kamala Harris was no more popular than Joe Biden. Now the media tells us people love her, as it strives to stampede the herd in her direction. Almost all of the enthusiasm is contrived hype, but there actually are people who find Scamala appealing and want her to have more power over our lives. People like this:

Although there is no chance of Trump taking people’s tattoos away, these freakish adolescents are correct that Cackala is the appropriate candidate for those who treasure abortion, make a pageant of perversion, and want to “be themselves” by pretending they are members of the opposite sex.

On a tip from indithinker™.

Aug 11 2024

Afghanistan Withdrawal Hangs Around Cackala’s Neck

As Que Mala Harris avoids the media while letting it spin wildly in her favor, we are left with her scant record to judge her merits as a candidate. Evidence includes her tyrannical abuse of power as California Attorney General; her botched 2020 presidential campaign; her raising funds to bail rioters out of jail; her conspicuous failure as border czar and broadband czar; her choice of the hardcore leftist valor thief Tim Awalz for VP; and her involvement in the policies of the Biden Administration.

The latter has been regarded as a disaster since the precipitous Afghanistan withdrawal, whereby the USA unconditionally surrendered to the terrorist savages who hosted the 9/11 attack, resulting in the senseless (and disacknowledged by Biden) death of 13 US servicemembers and any number of Afghans who worked with Americans against the Taliban.

As Politico reported back in 2021:

In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” Harris was asked about being the last person in the room regarding major decisions, something that Biden has said is important to him in his working relationship with the vice president. Harris confirmed that was the case regarding the move to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by Sept. 11.

If you want more of what Biden has offered, Kamala is your moonbat, featuring extra leftism and all the incompetence without the excuse of senility.

On a tip from Bluto.

Aug 11 2024

Open Thread

A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money. - G. Gordon Liddy

On a tip from 100 Bravo.

Aug 09 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Aug 08 2024

Make the SOB Deny It

The story may be apocryphal, but it is still told today, because it sums up the hardball politics of the Father of the Welfare State, Lyndon Johnson. Via MassCommons:

The race was close and Johnson was getting worried. Finally he told his campaign manager to start a massive rumor campaign about his opponent’s life-long habit of enjoying carnal knowledge of his own barnyard sows.

“Christ, we can’t get away with calling him a pig-f***er,” the campaign manager protested. “Nobody’s going to believe a thing like that.”

“I know,” Johnson replied. “But let’s make the sonofabitch deny it.”

Looks like the tactic has crossed the aisle. Few will swallow this tasteless allegation, but it would explain Walz’s aggressive support for the LGBT agenda.

On tips from Dr. Kufi Tutite and David Kight.

Aug 08 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A. Source: The White House.

Aug 07 2024

Open Thread

Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy. - Mao Zedong

On a tip from Jester.

Aug 06 2024

Pelosi Proposes Creepy Joe on Mount Rushmore

Leftists want to destroy Mount Rushmore because it is a monument to American heritage. But why should they merely destroy what they can first desecrate?

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., says President Joe Biden should be added to Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.

Pelosi, 84, described fellow octogenarian Biden as “such a consequential president of the United States, a Mount Rushmore kind of president,” during an appearance on “CBS Sunday Morning.”

Pelosi came as close as Democrats do these days to compromise:

“You have Teddy Roosevelt up there, and he’s wonderful. I don’t say take him down. But you can add Biden.”

As praise for the conspicuously awful Joe Biden, this would be too hyperbolic to pass for hyperbole. Pelosi knows that Biden was a mediocrity (not to mention a lowlife) long before he went senile years ago. Democrats openly despise America.

She may be right though about Biden being consequential. If Democrats prevail in November, he will be remembered as providing a bridge to modern Bolsheviks taking over the country and either destroying it or setting off a second Civil War.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Aug 06 2024

Dems Pick Hardcore Leftist Tim Walz for VP

Many thought Democrats would play it smart by going with the relatively moderate Josh Shapiro for VP, if only because a Jew from Pennsylvania would help deliver a crucial swing state and signal to sane people that the pro-Hamas wing of the party is not calling the shots. But being too arrogant to acknowledge public concerns, they doubled down on leftism by going with a hardcore moonbat, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

Walz is best known for presiding over the Black Lives Matter riots that put an end to the term “Minnesota nice,” waiting for days to call in the National Guard even as Minneapolis burned. Even the city’s moonbat mayor was outraged.

Daily Wire offers a taste of Walz’s radicalism:

Walz signed a bill allowing illegal migrants to get driver’s licenses, and gave more than 55,000 formerly incarcerated people the ability to vote again. He also signed legislation legalizing recreational marijuana, tightening gun laws, making abortion a “fundamental right,” and preserving legal transgender medical interventions for children. …

During the COVID pandemic, Walz declared a peacetime state of emergency, forcing schools and restaurants to close and mandating masks indoors.

Walz issued a decree proclaiming Minnesota to be a sanctuary state for fiends who want to chemically castrate or surgically mutilate children on behalf of LGBTism. He even signed a bill requiring schools to stock menstrual products in boys’ restrooms. Yet he sings along with the leftist borg that Trump and Vance are “weird.”

Walz is not the kind of guy you could trust with other people’s money. Via Breitbart:

A June report from Minnesota’s legislative auditor found that Walz’s administration “failed miserably in its duty to properly oversee millions of federal dollars it administered to nonprofits to feed children.” The report said that Walz’s alleged incompetence “created opportunities for fraud.” Axios reported: “The report highlighted several ways in which the Walz administration failed to rein in the fraud, undercutting the governor’s longstanding claims that his agency staff deserve credit, not criticism, for their efforts to catch and stop it.”

Minnesota is home to the massive Somali colony that produced ultra-left pro-terrorist congresscritter Ilhan Omar. This apparently inspired a change to the state flag, which now resembles a Somali flag. Walz proudly endorses it.

The other day Walz explicitly promoted socialism on behalf of White Dudes for Harris:

No, they certainly aren’t shying away from their progressive “values.”

Democrats are not hiding the ball anymore. If they prevail in November, they will go all the way left.

On tips from Chris Neilson.

Aug 06 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Aug 05 2024

Where They Find Crowds for Kamala Rallies

We know where Democrats find voters; they import them on an illegal basis from dysfunctional Third World hellholes (see here, here, here, here, etc.). Here’s where they get crowds to attend the rallies of the infamously unpopular Kamala Harris:

Maybe the servile media can make Scamala’s Potemkin rallies look genuine. MSM apparatchiks have their work cut out for them.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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