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Aug 29 2023

Climate Crisis Is Dead; Long Live the Time Crisis

There is bad news and good for Democrats. First the bad — the climate crisis is kaput:

A coalition of more than 1,600 scientists released a declaration this week entitled “There is No Climate Emergency,” denouncing politically-driven narratives about “imminent” climate crises.

The World Climate Declaration (WCD)—now known as CLINTEL, is a global climate intelligence group dedicated to fostering an approach to climate change grounded in science. For the statement, CLINTEL brought together a diverse group of scientists from all over the world to combat erroneous popular opinions.

Leftists like Joe Biden have fostered and exploited these erroneous opinions to justify repressive regulations and $trillions in wasteful spending. CLINTEL calls for countering this misinformation with climate research that gives “significantly more emphasis to empirical science.”

The signers note that as even young children used to be aware, the climate has always fluctuated. Lately, the “world has warmed significantly less” than claimed by the United Nations and climate cultists like Greta Thunberg.

Contesting the notion that CO2, which is “essential to all life on Earth”, is a negative effect of climate change, the statement added: “More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.”

Furthermore, scientists who collaborated on the CLINTEL project said “there is no statistical evidence” to prove “global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent.”

No wonder jet set Climate Czar John Kerry is so desperate to stop countermoonbats from laughing at his cult that he accuses them of being the cult. Serious people are done taking Al Gore’s self-serving “crisis” seriously.

Now for the good news for moonbats; there is a crisis far more serious than the climate continuing to fluctuate the way it always has: time depletion.

Time is a nonrenewable resource, and the most precious one we have. It is running out.

Do you think you can hide your head in the sand and deny this crisis? Wrong. Time depletion makes you older with every passing day. Eventually, it will kill you. After that, it will kill the entire human race along with all other life on earth, because even the life-giving Sun is running out of time.

Only all-powerful government can address a crisis on this scale. Not even Democrat bureaucrats can stop the passage of time. But they can slow it.

Everyone knows that time flies when you’re having fun. The first task of our rulers must be to slow time by abolishing enjoyment. Steps have already been taken in this direction through the leftist takeover of the entertainment industry, for example by reducing Hollywood output to tedious rubbish, but time continues to pass too quickly. Coercive government intervention is required on a totalitarian basis.

On tips from MrRightWingDave and seaoh.


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