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Sep 11 2023

Court Ruling: FBI and CDC Imposed Covid Narrative

No one can say that Barack Obama didn’t leave a legacy. His community organizer tactics produced the racial strife that led to hundreds of Black Lives Matter riots and continue to have us at each other’s throats. Still more destructively, he weaponized the federal government on behalf of Democratic Party, most famously by siccing the IRS on the Tea Party. Under his idiot sidekick Biden, institutions that now serve party rather than national interests include the FBI and CDC:

The Biden administration likely infringed upon the First Amendment when it leaned on social media companies to remove false or misleading COVID-19 content, a federal court of appeals ruled Friday — narrowing a bombshell district court order that barred several officials and agencies from communicating with the platforms.

Which Covid content was false or misleading is still a matter of dispute — except for the admitted lies told by Tony Fauci. However, the Deep State wouldn’t censor Fauci, because even if he presents himself as Science Incarnate, he is actually Big Government Incarnate. That’s why liberals burn votive candles in devotion to him.

The White House, surgeon general, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FBI “likely coerced or significantly encouraged social-media platforms to moderate content” and in doing so, “likely violated the First Amendment,” the New Orleans-based Fifth US Circuit Court of Appeals determined.

J. Edgar Hoover could never have imagined his agency would one day be used to censor medical information so that a virus could be exploited to inflict tyranny.

On a tip from Bluto.


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One Response to “Court Ruling: FBI and CDC Imposed Covid Narrative”

  1. […] least the CDC, FBI, and Marshals Service ostensibly serve constructive purposes, in addition to operating as […]


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