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Oct 12 2021

Creeping Marxism: The Fabian Society

Marxism is a form of slavery, so in the end it must always be applied through physical force. But the means of putting themselves in a position to impose their ideology differ. In Russia and China, Marxist took power through civil war. In the West, they have employed a gradual approach, exploiting democratic institutions to consolidate power by increments. This strategy is exemplified by the Fabian Society.

The Fabians influenced Britain’s Labour Party. Their strategy has been adopted by the Democratic Party in the USA. The name comes from Fabius, a Roman general who defeated a superior Carthaginian army by slowly wearing it down. Its coat of arms features a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This is surprisingly honest, reflecting the modern progressive strategy of masking tyranny with pleasant-sounding happy talk, like Democrats on the stump. Their motto is “When I strike, I strike hard.”

After a century of eating away at our country, incremental Marxists dominate all major institutions. The time has come for them to strike hard. Yet even now they employ the wolf in sheep’s clothing stratagem by exploiting as their figurehead a doddering and demented old man, whose conspicuous mediocrity makes him seem less threatening.

To understand what is being done to America, we need to understand the Fabians:

On a tip from Jester.


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