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Jun 05 2022

Dem Reps Embrace Radical Authoritarianism

Democrats’ ideology is radical; they intend to impose it by force. Their eagerness to exploit Uvalde has caused the mask to slip, revealing something monstrous.

While demagoguing on behalf of firearm confiscation in violation of the Second and Fifth Amendments on Thursday, Rep David Cicilline (D-RI) shouted, “Spare me the bullsh*t about constitutional rights.”

Sorry about the language; these people are literally obscene:

Cicilline is no outlier. Rather than stand back in horror, other liberal establishmentarians have embraced him:

Dems and leftists on Twitter amplified and cheered Cicilline’s outburst while MSNBC host and NBC News contributor Katie Phang tweeted a video of the rant, saying “This is EXACTLY the kind of messaging Democrats need.”

The radicalism goes beyond rhetoric. Members of Congress name the steps they will take to impose authoritarianism:

A Democratic lawmaker on the House Judiciary Committee casually threatened to blow up the Senate filibuster and pack the U.S. Supreme Court to confiscate guns during markup on a series of gun control proposals Thursday.

“Enough of your thoughts and prayers, enough,” committee member Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) said, pounding the table during debate on the gun control package. …

“If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it. If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it.”

The plan is to abolish our system of government by packing the Supreme Court with Merrick Garland types, thereby reducing it to a rubber stamp for the Democratic Party. You can’t say they haven’t warned us (see here, here, here, and here).

Giving power to thugs like this cannot end well:

This mentality goes all the way up to the figurehead atop the Party of Government:

Jones bellows that Democrats “will do whatever it takes to end gun violence.” Starting another civil war will have a different effect — and that’s where this is heading.

Americans will not allow themselves to be disarmed by the likes of Cicilline, Jones, and Biden without putting up a fight. Too many people are aware of what happened after similar people disarmed the populations of Germany, Russia, and China in the 20th century.

On tips from Rapinhoe and Varla.


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One Response to “Dem Reps Embrace Radical Authoritarianism”

  1. […] Moonbattery gives us a look at our “representatives” who believe, it seems are our masters […]


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