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Nov 01 2023

Enviromoonbat Killjoy Denounces Halloween

Let’s hope Blinken’s son hauled in plenty of candy while trick-or-treating dressed as the King of the Moochers, because it may have to last forever. Halloween could face cancelation now that Yahoo has revealed it to be “an ecological disaster”:

All those candy wrappers have to go somewhere. So do all the plastic pumpkins, plastic vampire teeth, plastic Harry Potter wands.

And where they go, for the most part, is into landfills and waterways, where they contribute to a plastics problem that has become a global challenge.

Plastic — the miracle material that makes modern life possible — is a synthetic polymer derived from fossil fuels. It is regarded as unholy in the moonbat religion.

Halloween furthermore oppresses animals:

Fake spiderwebs stretched over hedges or fencing are a common Halloween decoration. They are also a danger for birds.

If mudpuddles have rights in Milwaukee, surely we can grant birds the right to a world free of fake spiderwebs.

That’s not all:

Earlier this year, a young deer in Michigan had to be rescued after its head became stuck in a plastic Halloween bucket

Also, jack-o’-lanterns may end up rotting in landfills. We are told to believe this makes it be too hot outside, because decomposing vegetation produces methane, “a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.”

Clearly there can be no place for Halloween in liberal utopia.

On a tip from Lyle.


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