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Nov 01 2023

Milwaukee County Bestows Rights on Water

Leftists attack our fundamental rights directly, assailing the First Amendment in the name of “disinformation” and the Second Amendment during hysteria ginned up over the maniacs they allow to run loose. In addition, they wage a more insidious campaign against rights in general by diluting the concept to the point of meaninglessness. A town in California recently granted rights to elephants. Now Milwaukee County, Wisconsin has bestowed rights on water.

The “Rights of Nature” resolution passed on Friday, issuing specific protections for bodies of water in the county. The resolution originated from a greater indigenous-led movement to ensure that nature has the same legal protections as humans. Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley said that the resolution was a means to both honor indigenous beliefs about nature and to more effectively execute conservation efforts.

It would be racist to oppose anything done to “honor indigenous beliefs” — i.e., out of politically correct obsequiousness toward the scarce descendants of the Stone Age savages who inhabited this continent a few centuries ago.

Like a lot of fundamentally depraved moonbattery, the notion that puddles have rights comparable to a person’s can be traced back to the UN:

The greater “rights of nature” movement believes that all of nature have the same rights as humans. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) — established in 2012 at the behest of the United Nations — describes the rights of nature as a means to achieve environmental protections by affording ecosystems the same legal protections as people and corporations.

Putting a red face on the foolishness makes it easier to impose:

The Menominee Tribe of Wisconsin originally enacted the “rights of nature” in a January 2020 resolution, which Milwaukee County cited as a model for this latest resolution.

The point is to suppress economic development:

The tribe declared that its resolution was enacted to thwart a proposed open-pit metallic sulfide mine, the Back Forty Mine.

When the Rights of Nature are sufficiently honored, mines and farms will no longer inflict oppression on nonliving entities. People can make do by running around in loincloths chasing bison.

The rights of the Menominee River, as proclaimed by Indians, are extensive:

The tribe declared that the river had a right to naturally exist, flourish, regenerate, evolve; the rights of restoration, recovery, and preservation; the right to abundant, pure, clean, and unpolluted water; the right to natural groundwater recharge and surface water recharge; the right to a healthy natural environment and natural biodiversity; the right to natural water flow; the right to carry out natural ecosystem functions; the right to be free of activities or practices, as well as obstructions, that interfere with or infringe upon these rights.

This won’t stop with rivers. Now that even nonliving entities can be bestowed rights at our expense, it is only a matter of time until everything you can name is granted rights.

Consider letters of the alphabet. Why should A always come first, enjoying unearned privilege over the other letters? All letters have a right to come first. To establish utopia requires overthrowing the tyranny of the alphabetical order.

Smells will have rights too. If certain people have a right not to be offended, why not certain smells? When Eric Swalwell lets rip during an interview, those nearby who pinch their noses in disgust will be taken to task for offending the smell by marginalizing it as offensive.

On tips from MrRightWingDave and Franco.


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2 Responses to “Milwaukee County Bestows Rights on Water”

  1. […] mudpuddles have rights in Milwaukee, surely we can grant birds the right to a world free of fake […]

  2. […] Their ideology is a fraud, so why shouldn’t their racial identity be fraudulent too? More indigenous peoples moonbattery from […]


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