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Feb 07 2024

Failed NYC Mayor Eric Adams Compares Himself to Jesus

Just when you thought nothing could lower your opinion of Eric Adams, he channels Ray “Chocolate City” Nagin of failed New Orleans — and then compares himself to Jesus Christ.

As usual with Democrats, it all comes down to diversity/equity/inclusion. Barked Adams at a town hall last Wednesday:

“Look at this team, folks. Look at this team. Look at my, look at my deputy mayors!” he said before naming some of the people in the hall.

“Have you ever seen this much chocolate leading the City of New York? And then go down the line. Look, look who’s here. This is representative of the city.* That’s why people are hating on me.”

It couldn’t have anything to do with giving New York the final push into the maelstrom that is the Democrat Death Spiral. Haters must hate him because like most Democrats he chooses personnel based on them not being white. Never mind that New Yorkers presumably selected Adams largely on that same basis.

By his own reckoning, his devotion to Cultural Marxist discrimination makes Adams comparable to Jesus Christ:

“Ma’am this is a Matthew 21:12 moment. Jesus walked in the temple, he saw them doing wrong in the temple. He did what?” Adams asked the audience.

“He turned the table over!” replied one member.

“I went to City Hall to turn the table over!” Adams continued.

He then recounted some of the staff he selected for diversity points rather than competence. His idea of turning the money changers out of the temple is purging municipal government of merit. Results of this approach have been as you might expect.

Some populations are not fit to govern themselves. This becomes evident when they start electing clowns like this:

On a tip from Wiggins.

*By “representative of the city,” he means “nonwhite” — although non-Hispanic whites are still the largest demographic group, and only one in five New Yorkers is black.


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