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Mar 02 2023

Profiles in Authoritarianism: Merrick Garland

The Soviet Union had Felix Dzerzhinsky (a.k.a. Iron Felix), head of the Cheka and OGPU, forerunners of the NKVD and KGB. We get the still creepier Democrat apparatchik Merrick Garland.

Democrats wanted Garland to serve as a rubber stamp leftist on the Supreme Court; that was thankfully averted, causing moonbats to wail and gnash their teeth. However, as Attorney General, he oversees our own version of the KGB, the FBI.

Garland is best known for using the FBI to terrorize parents who speak up at school board meetings against their children being subjected to LGBT grooming, antiwhite race hate, and boys in the girls’ restroom. Siccing a heavily armed goon squad on Mark Houck for being a prolife activist is another career milestone.

In the video below, Garland explains to Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) why the FBI investigates the alleged crimes of prolifers but not the epidemic of leftist violence against prolife clinics and Catholic churches:

According to Garland, the FBI tracks down prolife advocates because they commit their thoughtcrimes in daylight, in full view of cameras. Leftist terrorists are harder to catch, because they vandalize and firebomb churches by night.

True enough, evil people tend to perform their deeds in the dark, in contrast to prolife activists, who are of the light. It’s surprising they can get Garland to testify during daylight hours.

After this, Garland will stay safe under his rock until the sun goes down. Watch him squirm as Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) takes him to task for the FBI’s targeting of traditional Catholics:

On tips from Mr. Freemarket.


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2 Responses to “Profiles in Authoritarianism: Merrick Garland”

  1. […] aspire to abolish Christianity altogether. In the meantime, they subvert and exploit it. Not even Merrick Garland could inflict as much damage as the moonbats who have infiltrated the Vatican, the official […]


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