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Feb 14 2024

FDA, CDC, NIH to Embrace Indigenous Knowledge

Anything that succumbs to moonbattery is reduced to dysfunctional farce. Because the ideologically deranged federal government has arrogated a major role in research, this includes even the medical technology Western Civilization has developed to radically improve the human condition:

The Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention could soon employ “Indigenous Knowledge” in their research, a document obtained by the Washington Free Beacon shows.

The document is a proposed revision of scientific integrity guidelines for the Department of Health and Human Services, which encompasses the FDA, CDC, and the National Institutes of Health. Going forward, agency staff should employ “multiple forms of evidence, such as Indigenous Knowledge,” when analyzing data, the document states.

A pharmaceutical compound might be proven safe and efficacious through rigorous clinical trials. Or it might be revealed as safe and efficacious through the hallucinatory visions of a shaman high on mushrooms. In accordance with the liberal doctrine of relativism, both are equally valid.

Affirming the relevance of “indigenous knowledge” (a.k.a. savage superstitions) allows bureauweenies to proclaim their devotion to diversity/equity/inclusion:

“A strong culture of scientific integrity begins with ensuring a professional environment that is safe, equitable, and inclusive,” the report says. “Issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility are an integral component of the entire scientific process.”

Scientific integrity is ensured by elevating the magical thinking of failed societies to the level of modern science, according to the depraved lunatics comprising the liberal ruling class.

Fortuitously, bureaucrats may be able to make the numbers add up even after they have finished incrementally socializing medicine by substituting witchdoctors wagging bones for medical care.

On a tip from Angel.


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