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Aug 05 2023

Heartland Horrors Against Children and Babies

The primary victims of liberal desecration and violence are the most innocent and vulnerable: children and babies. This holds true not only in the degenerating Northeast and Left Coast, but in the Midwest heartland.

Dane County, Wisconsin has passed a resolution establishing a sanctuary zone to promote sexual mutilation:

According to the resolution, access to “sex-reassignment” medications and body-mutilating surgeries is a “fundamental right” for everyone, including children.

The objective is to prevent enforcement of present or future laws protecting children from sex change procedures.

The resolution passed 25 to 1. The seat of Dane County is the leftist college town Madison.

As least children whose lives are irrevocably ruined on behalf of the LGBT agenda made it home from the hospital. That will be the case for fewer kids in the state next door:

Under the new version of Minnesota’s abortion reporting law, practitioners of abortion will no longer report when abortions result in live births and what measures are taken to care for such infants. The change comes as the legislature has also repealed a guarantee that born-alive infants receive appropriate lifesaving care.

That means babies who survive attempted abortion will be subjected to infanticide, to be inflicted by denying care and leaving the baby to die. The public will have no way of knowing how often this occurs.

The emphasis on harming children confirms that leftism is not merely misguided, but evil.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Franco.


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