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May 25 2023

Henry Louis Gates Helps Revise Newspeak Dictionary

Normally, revisions to the Newspeak Dictionary consist of deletions, as our ruling class constricts the realm of permissible thought by restricting our vocabulary. However, new words can be added when it serves liberal purposes — for example, by asserting Afrocentrism.

The New York Times effuses that new words include “bussin” and “boo”:

Those were two of the first 100 words that the Oxford University Press said it had prepared to include in the Oxford Dictionary of African American English, the hopeful result of the three-year research project announced last spring.

The researchers say they aim to publish a first batch of 1,000 definitions — some words and phrases will have more than one — by March 2025. But the more important goal of the project, which will be edited by Henry Louis Gates Jr., a scholar of African American history at Harvard University, is to underscore the significance of African American English and to create a resource for future research into Black speech, history and culture.

If the name rings a bell, Gates is the insufferable Harvard professor who contrived a racial incident by behaving like a spoilt child when the police temporarily prevented him from breaking into his own house, having no way of knowing he was the owner. Fellow race-baiter Barack Obama exploited the incident to stage the farcical Beer Summit, at which black members of our liberal ruling class held their noses and pretended to tolerate the sort of working class white guy who becomes a police officer. Historical note: Obama drank Bud Light, naturally.

Rap lyrics are cited as a source of new words social engineers want to inject into English. The dictionary may warrant an NC17 rating.

Many of the listed neologisms have a connection with slavery. The idea is to make an institution that ended going on 2 centuries ago seem currently relevant so it can be exploited for political purposes.

In addition to appearing in the Oxford Dictionary of African American English, the entries will also be added to the wider word bank of the Oxford English Dictionary, Gates said. …

More than just a collection of words, Gates said, the new dictionary will serve as a record of the ways Black people have molded the English language to protect themselves and also keep a morsel of autonomy in a world that would have them have none.

Everything that isn’t about LGBTism or the global warming hoax is about the sacred oppressedness of blacks — including even the dictionary.

On a tip from Lyle.


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