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Mar 27 2023

Hollywood Producer Heather Rae Is Fake Indian

Everything is fake in Tinseltown, so what better place to look for racial impostors? In 1973, the moonbat Marlon Brando put forward Sacheen Littlefeather in his place to turn down an Academy Award on grounds of cultural Marxism. The stunt got Sacheen blacklisted, but the Academy begged forgiveness for that, and thanked award-winning producer Heather Rae for brokering the apology. Sacheen turned out to be no more Indian than she looks. Now we learn that Rae is a fake Indian too:

Rae, 56, serves on the Academy of Motion Pictures’ Indigenous Alliance, previously headed up the Sundance Institute’s Native American program and claims “my mother was Indian and my father was a cowboy.” Multiple prior news reports have also cited her as having a Cherokee mother.

But a watchdog group called the Tribal Alliance Against Frauds is now demanding the Academy and the producer drop her “false claims” while activists insist she’s at best 1/2048th Cherokee.

Rae’s proof of being an Indian consists of getting a tattoo of the Cherokee corn goddess Selu.

Rae has cited her “Indian” ancestry throughout her successful producing and directing career…

She works as a “narrative change strategist” for IllumiNative, an “unapologetically ambitious and innovative Native women-led” racial and social justice organization which says it works to amplify “contemporary Native voices” while challenging the “invisibility” of Native Americans.

Moonbats have challenged the “invisibility” of Indians by getting the name of the Cleveland Indians changed, by changing the name of prominent Squaw Peak in Phoenix, by erasing the iconic Indian maiden from the Land O’Lakes butter packaging, et cetera.

Unsurprisingly, Rae’s work in Hollyweird highlights her faux Indian identity:

[H]er latest project, “Fancy Dance,” is a drama about a Native American woman who kidnaps her niece from the girl’s white grandparents that premiered at January’s Sundance Film Festival. It was partly funded by the Cherokee Nation.

Even if Rae really is 1/2048th Indian (which appears doubtful), this wouldn’t even qualify her to pow-wow with Elizabeth Warren, who climbed the career ladder as a law professor by pretending to be an Indian and who was found to have as little as 1/1,024th Indian blood.

More genuine Indians can be found standing outside cigar stores, but Rae does have notable ancestry:

On her father’s side, one ancestor arrived from England in Virginia before the Pilgrims.

However, this would not be a source of pride among our woke ruling class. Just ask communist black supremacist Angela Davis, who was horrified to learn she had ancestors on the Mayflower.

On a tip from Jack D.


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