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Oct 31 2022

How Moonbats Respond to the Bible

Sometimes when we think we are talking politics, the subject is actually closer to religion. Democrats want it to be legal to commit abortion up to the point of birth and to inflict horrific sex change procedures on children. These are not policy questions. They are matters of good and evil.

James Madison brandishing the US Constitution would make no impression on today’s Democrats, but Father Lankester Merrin flicking holy water from an aspergillum might make them yowl and hiss.

Matt Walsh’s reception at the University of Wisconsin–Madison underscores the point. In advance of his arrival to show his excellent documentary What Is a Woman, which undermines the morally depraved LGBT agenda, moonbats engaged in widespread vandalism, protesting his appearance with obscene graffiti.


On the day of the film showing, protesters appeared complete with bullhorns, transgender flags, and signs. One student met these protesters with a microphone and attempted to read passages from the Bible, but was instead met with more protesters who drummed and yelled over his reading and held a rainbow umbrella in front of him.

Moonbats’ response to the Bible is telling.

Eventually, protesters took the book from the student. They began ripping up its pages and spreading them over the ground. One student was captured on video eating one of the pages.

William Friedkin might wonder why he didn’t think to have Linda Blair do that.

Rational arguments are not going to persuade people who become hebephrenic at the sight of a Bible. Holy water might be worth a try though.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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