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Feb 01 2022

Jen Psaki Lives in Alternate Universe

Progressives defend their delusional worldview by dismissing any information that disputes it as probably having been reported by Fox News, which according to their doctrine makes it not so much untrue as beyond the pale to acknowledge. Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki cowers from reality inside of this bubble of denial. She even seems to be unaware of the explosion of violent crime that has followed in the wake of the Black Lives Matter riots due to liberal policies.

Via Hot Air:

According to Jen Psaki, it is “scary” that people live in an “alternate universe” where the War on Police, liberal bail reform, and lunatic left DAs placed in office by George Soros have rendered the streets unsafe.

Meanwhile, even left-wing NPR runs headlines like this:

Rising Violent Crime Is Likely to Present a Political Challenge for Democrats in 2022

Our rulers could not be more out of touch if they lived in outer space. Or maybe they are only pretending to be oblivious to reality, and have such a low opinion of the little people that they think we can be sneeringly gaslit into believing everything is fine.

On a tip from TCS III.


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