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Feb 23 2022

Kyle Rittenhouse: Accountability Is Coming

The religion of our moonbat rulers requires sacrificial victims. During the tsunami of Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots, the media priesthood focused on Kyle Rittenhouse, a good kid who tried to protect people’s property and who was forced to shoot sociopathic scumbags who were trying to kill him. He was cast in the role of Emmanuel Goldstein for a marathon version of the Two Minutes Hate.

Fortunately, there was ample video evidence of Rittenhouse’s innocence. This country is still sufficiently civilized for him to be found not guilty in a court of law. As noted previously regarding the vicious, deliberately deceptive, and wantonly irresponsible media,

The liberal media propagandists driving Rittenhouse’s persecution should be sued. They learned nothing from what they did to Nick Sandmann. Maybe this time the lesson will stick.

Whether the lesson sticks is doubtful, but they are going to get sued all right:

Rittenhouse went beyond just announcing he was suing the media for the lies they spewed about him. Instead, he and his legal team had set up an organization, The Media Accountability Project (TMAP), that would take up his cases and the cases of others who the media heinously targeted with lies and misinformation in an attempt to ruin their lives.

The odious Whoopi Goldberg, who continued demonizing him even after he was acquitted, are among those in the crosshairs.

The ultimate accountability will come when it sinks in to the public at large that the liberal media establishment is malign and has zero credibility. Without an audience, it has no power.

On tips from KirklesWorth, Eddie_Valiant, and Dave F.


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