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Sep 07 2023

Lab-Grown Fruit Because Climate Change

In the name of their atavistic weather gods, our leftist rulers want us to eat synthetic meat produced in a laboratory. But at least we get to eat real fruit that grows on trees under the sun that so frightens them. Or maybe not:

In the face of growing food security concerns due to climate change, scientists in New Zealand are attempting to grow fruit tissue in labs.

Taxpayers are forced to fund the Food by Design program at Plant & Food Research.

The program aims to grow fruit tissue without the parts that are usually discarded like the core of the apple or the rind of an orange.

Pseudofood is better than real food. No waste.

The technology would probably be suitable for growing fruit tissue within cities, said Dr Sam Baldwin, a strategy leader at Plant & Food Research, in the hope that it would reduce the cost and carbon emissions created when transporting food into urban centres.

This would reduce the dependence of liberals’ urban power bases on the regular people who live outside their moonbat fever swamps.

Allegedly harmful carbon emissions help fruit trees to grow. But we won’t be needing trees anymore. Our liberal overlords want to cut them down and bury them, because they offend the climate.

On a tip from Franco.


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