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Apr 27 2022

Matt Walsh Makes Heads Explode at Amazon

Matt Walsh topped the LGBTQ+ list at Amazon. Now he has the #1 book in Women’s Studies. Liberals have not dealt well with his trolling:

Johnny the Walrus is a harmless children’s book that makes the point that kids aren’t really what they might pretend to be. This simple and obvious observation brings the rhetoric supporting the LGBT groomer agenda — a core aspect of modern liberalism — crashing to the ground.

It is tempting to laugh off the sort of kooks who run Amazon (and for now, Twitter) by comparing them to spoilt children throwing temper tantrums, but their hysteria is actually dangerous.

People like this have been consolidating control in virtually every sector of society. When they have the leverage to crush their opposition, they will have neither tolerance nor mercy for anyone who stands against them. They will take tyranny to the last extremes to impose their sick ideology, and they will feel justified.

On a tip from Varla.


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