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Mar 31 2022

Medical Student Punishes Unwoke Patient

Wokeness is a jealous religion. To be woke means to be a moonbat first and anything else afterward. This is why no leftist can be trusted in a position of responsibility. A case in point is Kychelle Del Rosario (aka K. Del), a fourth year medical student at Wake Forest School of Medicine, who boasted on Twitter about deliberately injuring a patient who was not sufficiently respectful of her pronoun pin:

Post Millennial has background:

Del Rosario has a history of trans activism. In March 2021, Del Rosario advocated … against the “Bathroom Bill” that required individuals to use the gendered bathroom that aligned with the sex recorded on their birth certificate, saying that “policies like these have consequential impacts on the health of transgender people.” Del Rosario spoke of plans to make a medical career out of treating the transgender community.

Del Rosario also spoke about being a leader in a “safe zone” in a paper advocating for more affirming transgender policy at the state level for The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship and touted her concern about making sure transgender patients are treated well.

Considering the fawning treatment transsexuals receive, “treated well” in this context can be interpreted to mean “treated with particularly abject servility.”

Presumably K. Del is not a mental defective, or she wouldn’t be in medical school (although thanks to Affirmative Action, this is no longer certain). Yet as Not the Bee notes, she does not seem to understand the difference between men and women or know about the Hippocratic Oath. She considers it appropriate to publicly mock her patients.

A century ago, we could see the effect of moonbattery on art, when instead of great paintings the public began to be presented with random smears of paint. Since then, moonbattery has had a similar effect on every aspect of society, including medicine.

On tips from Wiggins and Mr. Freemarket.


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