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Aug 28 2023

“Misgendered” Convict Collects $160K Jackpot

Being a Woman of Color pays generous benefits in the People’s Republic of New York. Getting fired for showing up late for work 47 times has resulted in an $11.25 million jackpot. Even Women of Color who are not actually women get a seat on the gravy train. If they are criminals, they can climb aboard from behind bars:

Makyyla Holland, a 25-year-old black transgender woman, accused correctional officers at the Broome County Jail of abuse and discrimination after being arrested on criminal contempt and assault charges.

Good thing for Mr. Holland there is no law against impersonating a woman, or he would be serving time for it on an aggravated basis.

Obsequious false pronouns as in original:

[S]he says she was stripped searched by male officers, made to peel off her acrylic nails without the proper tools and ordered to remove her wig, which was glued to her head.

Despite disclosing her transgender status multiple times, she says she was placed within men’s housing units and misgendered – referred to as a man.

She alleged she was denied hormone replacement therapy medications for four weeks and wasn’t given her prescribed testosterone blockers or antidepressants.

Normally oppression this egregious would warrant a larger jackpot, but New York has already given all its money to illegal aliens. So Mr. Holland only collects a $160,000 settlement, despite claims to have been roughed up.

It isn’t only about the money:

Transgender people in Broome County Jail will now be able to receive transgender health care, be housed consistent with their gender identity and be free from harassment and discrimination. Clothing and toiletry items will be consistent with a person’s gender identity and access will be granted to gender-affirming items such as wigs.

Regarding the supposed right of the sexual deranged to “be housed consistent with their gender identity”:

A little more than half of the men housed in Wisconsin Department of Corrections facilities who identify as transgender women have been convicted of at least one count of sexual assault or sexual abuse.

Bestowing privilege upon criminals who choose to embrace transgenderism will continue to result in rape and sometimes impregnation behind bars. No matter; women rank below the Alphabet People on the totem pole of oppression.

On tips from American Mandela and MrRightWingDave.


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2 Responses to ““Misgendered” Convict Collects $160K Jackpot”

  1. […] The police took Ilisanmi’s Bible after he was accused of being Islamophobic. Later Ilisanmi was awarded £2,500 for wrongful arrest. He should have changed gender and got himself arrested for actual crimes in New York; the payoff would have been much larger. […]


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