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Apr 27 2023

Moonbat Musical: To All the Babies I’ve Killed Before

The Party of Death has power because it represents the Culture of Death — that is, the morally depraved cultural of our degenerate ruling class. To see how explicitly this culture celebrates death, look to the Ivy League, where the crème de la crème receives its accreditation:

A group of Princeton University students performed a feminist musical over the weekend focused on abortion and “self-empowerment.”

“To All the Babies I’ve Killed Before; A Love/Hate Letter to Storytelling” explores “the challenges of being heard and cultivating self-empowerment as a queer, cognitively-disabled (ADHD) woman in artistic spaces that traditionally center archaic, western, patriarchal narratives grounded in firm structures of storytelling and comedy,” according to a program description.

What do students need classes for when they can get their woke indoctrination distilled to its essence and injected effortlessly through entertainment?

The title “twists a well-known saying to many writers, ‘sometimes you have to kill your babies,’” according to the thespians.

In this case, babies are not just a metaphor:

“Questions of agency and womanhood have, of course, long plagued our society in more ways than just artistic expression,” the description reads. “Today, in the U.S., more than 19 million women live in contraceptive deserts, lacking access to affordable reproductive healthcare [yadda yadda yadda].”

“Reproductive healthcare” is Liberalese for killing inconvenient babies.

The description directs readers to a Planned Parenthood website to find local abortion facilities in New Jersey.

The political purpose is not subtle. At least no one is likely to waste their time sitting through the production expecting literary merit. But then, if you wanted something other than moonbattery, what would you be doing at Princeton?

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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