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Nov 28 2024

Moonbats Celebrate Friendsgiving

If woke utopia is achieved, Kwanzaa will replace Christmas and Juneteenth will replace the Fourth of July. As part of the attack on family, social engineers will replace Thanksgiving with Friendsgiving:

Unlike its elder sibling Thanksgiving, where one can find themselves forced annually into uncomfortable conversations about gender presentation, sexuality, politics, or body weight — one of the consistent joys of Friendsgiving is that it allows you to choose who you celebrate with. Instead of being limited to just biological family members, Friendsgiving can extend to chosen family, friends, romantic partners, neighbors, or even college roommates. Its structure is innately fluid and breaks tradition.

As with most things moonbatty, breaking tradition — with the ultimate goal of destroying our culture — is the main point.

Friendsgiving takes on a specific significance among the LGBTQ+ community – with many queer people building new holiday traditions with their chosen family as they navigate strained relationships with their biological family members over their queer identity.

Every day is a day for moonbats to celebrate their queer identity.

On a tip from Mike B.


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