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Nov 28 2024

Muslim Reminds Us to Be Thankful for Toilet Paper

One of the many things we have to be thankful for is that liberals have not managed to weaken us enough for Islamists to succeed — after 1,400 years of effort — in supplanting Western Civilization. Among the benefits of standing strong against the twin evils of moonbattery and Mohammedanism is that we still get to use toilet paper — to this Michigan Muslim’s chagrin:


In a lecture to Muslim teens at the Dearborn Community Center on October 11, 2024, [an] Islamist influencer who goes by “Way of Life SQ” criticized Western and American culture, calling it “backward.” He claimed that despite their technological advancements, philosophy, and ideas, Westerners remain “uncivilized” for using toilet paper in the bathroom. Way of Life SQ emphasized that Muslims were sent by Allah to bring civilization to these nations, moving them “from darkness to light.” He also stated that Christians are “jealous” of Islam and that the Christian religion is “dying,” and therefore it was forced to bring LGBTQ values into their fold.

Regarding that last part, correlation is not causation. Nominally Christian churches do not embrace anti-Christian LGBTism because they are dying; they are dying for the same reason that they embrace LGBTism — namely, they have allowed themselves to be infiltrated and subverted by moonbats.

On a tip from R F.


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