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Jun 28 2023

Open Thread

Arms, like laws, discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe and preserve order. - Thomas Paine

Sorry about the lost comments on the original Open Thread. The embedded tweet caused technical issues with WordPress.

Jun 27 2023

Climate Police Crack Down on New York City Pizza

There is nothing that envirofascists will not take away from us in the name of the global warming hoax — not even New York City pizza:

The city Department of Environmental Protection has drafted insane new rules that could force pizza joints using wood- and coal-fired ovens — the only way to really cook a pie — to slash emissions by up to 75%.

Hitting the target would require installation of a pricey filtration system on older ovens, slamming mostly older, classic spots like Lombardi’s in Little Italy and Brooklyn-based icon Grimaldi’s.

Not all businesses can afford pricey filtration systems, the only point of which would be to demonstrate submission to leftist authorities by ruining the taste of the pizza. But as Shrillary famously told us, “undercapitalized” businesses that are forced into bankruptcy by their tyrannical policies are no concern of Democrats.

As one outraged customer told The Post: “I’m all for responsible environmental practice, but tell Al Gore to take one less private jet or something.”

Fat chance. The imaginary climate crisis calls for sacrifice by regular Americans, not the woke ruling class.

Those regular Americans are still out there, even in liberal New York. Here’s one who deserves a tip of the hat:

Pushback will become more widespread when the Climate Police inevitably come for beer. Moonbats will be firmly informed that there is nothing wrong with the weather and they couldn’t change it even if there were.

On tips from Franco, Wiggins, DCGere, and Blackjack.

Jun 27 2023

Joe Biden: I Sold a Lot of State Secrets

Apparently this is our Commander in Chief’s idea of a joke. Given that the guy has been on the payroll of our most threatening adversary, communist China, it is more arrogant than funny:

On tips from Marty, Blackjack, and Jack Bauer.

Jun 27 2023

Glastonbury Hypocrisy Piled High

The Glastonbury festival wrapped up in England over the weekend. It featured a long list of pop stars, preachy moonbattery, mountains of garbage, and still higher mountains of hypocrisy. If only the people who staged it were running the Home Office, Britain might have a future, considering the serious measures taken to keep trespassers out:

In most societies, youth are rebellious. In ours, they seem content to feed on the woke slop dumped into their trough by a liberal establishment that is canceling their future.

On tips from Lyle and KirklesWorth.

Jun 27 2023

Open Thread


Compliments of Chuck A.

Jun 26 2023

No Charges Over Naked Child at Moonbat Bike Festival

No wonder moonbats are so brazen about parading small children amid naked freaks. They are above the law:

Police in Wisconsin say that nobody will face any charges in an alleged incident where a young nude girl participated in a “Naked Bike Ride” with adults. …

The World Naked Bike Ride is “about protesting oil dependency and celebrating the power and individuality of our bodies.”

As a rule, those who espouse wokeness need not worry about laws that would otherwise make it illegal to sexually exploit a child. Otherwise, the transsexual agenda would have stalled out long ago.

On June 17, approximately 150 people participated in the World Naked Bike Ride in Madison, Wisconsin. One of the participants was allegedly a young girl.

An image of the naked girl was reportedly uploaded to social media, possibly for the enjoyment of those who missed out on the event. Police say no laws were broken.

The World Naked Bike Ride website encourages participation by children:

The idea that somehow children are negatively affected by non-sexualized nudity is a myth. Children are more likely to be curious if nudity was discouraged in their family. The only thing prudish parents have to worry about is that their children might want to get naked themselves if it looks like people are having fun. As children grow older they are more likely to resent repressive parents if they think they lack common sensibilities.

When liberal utopia has been achieved, we will lose all our stifling hangups and squirm around naked like a bucket of worms in one big orgy, adults and children alike.

On a tip from R F.

Jun 26 2023

Nonwhites Prioritized for Surgery in New Zealand

Under moonbat rule, all the animals are equal, but pale-skinned animals are a lot less equal. Consequently, they can expect a long wait for surgery in New Zealand:

Auckland surgeons are now required to consider a patient’s ethnicity alongside other factors when deciding who should get an operation first.

Several surgeons say they are upset by the policy, which was introduced in Auckland in February and gave priority to Māori and Pacific Island patients – on the grounds that they have historically had unequal access to healthcare.

Prioritization for Māori and Pacific Island patients is particularly just when you consider their contributions to medical technology. Why should surgical techniques made possible by the industry and ingenuity of oppressed indigenous peoples be wasted on whites?

This must be why the world’s most powerful Cherokee, Senator Elizabeth Warren, demands healthcare for blacks be prioritized. When people like her consolidate control, the Caucasians she so strangely resembles will come last.

On tips from Franco and R F.

Jun 26 2023

Patriots Eject Phony Infiltrators

Democrats squeezed a lot of propaganda out of the January 6 kerfuffle, so the Deep State can be expected to keep pushing the strategy of infiltrating right-leaning groups in hopes of creating a spectacle that can be exploited. It doesn’t always work out as well for them as on 1/6. From Portland:

Guess whose side teary-eyed tyrant Adam Kinzinger takes:

If we can take that as confirmation that the phony infiltrators are federal agents, Kinzinger just made himself useful to someone other than Democrats.

On tips from seaoh and Anonymous.

Jun 26 2023

Small Child Paraded Among Naked Freaks

We’re coming for your children!” shriek the hordes of perverted freaks comprising the Democrat base. They aren’t kidding. Watch unembeddable video here of a small child festooned with LGBT flags paraded among naked weirdos in Seattle.

Anyone who will do whatever it takes to put a stop to this will have political support. The alternative is to wait for the well-deserved rain of sulfur and fire.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 26 2023

Moonbattery Is Sinking German Economy

It isn’t only in France that moonbattery is inflicting what Emmanuel Macron calls the “end of abundance.” The economic consequences of letting liberals have power have hit formerly wealthy Germany:

“We currently see the country faced by a growing mountain of challenges,” said Siegfried Russwurm, head of the influential BDI industry lobby.

The mountain of challenges is comprised of variations on a single problem: moonbattery.

A growing number of businesses, including small and midsize companies, are working on “moving part of their activities out of Germany”, Russwurm said at the BDI’s annual conference.

You can’t blame them, considering that delusional moonbat Olaf Scholz is Chancellor.

In an interview with German media in March, [Scholz] said the push to achieve climate neutrality by 2045 would bring back “levels of growth like in the 1950s and 1960s”, the age of West Germany’s postwar “economic miracle”.

Germany’s government has been waging a war on energy in the name of the global warming hoax. Even nuclear is suppressed, despite not producing supposedly harmful carbon emissions. The only future miracle will be if Germans flip the switch a few years from now and the lights still come on.

For the Social Democrat chancellor, the massive spending needed to install new wind turbines, build electric vehicles, make steel production less polluting or produce heat pumps will create a virtuous economic circle.

Virtue signaling aside, there is nothing virtuous about the vicious cycle of wasteful spending and repressive hyperregulation that is creating a maelstrom sucking whole economies down into oblivion. Contributing to the hopelessness is a skilled labor shortage caused by a demographic death spiral, caused in turn by liberal values (abortion, feminism, homosexuality, etc.) replacing family values.

The only thing that will prevent a major depression that lasts indefinitely will be a revolt that overthrows leftist rule.

On a tip from Anonymous.

Jun 26 2023

Open Thread

On a tip from Varla.

Jun 25 2023

Queering Nuclear Weapons

Being a totalitarian ideology, LGBTism is imposed on everything imaginable — even nuclear weapons. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists presents the following headline, which is too surreal not to date from Biden Era:

Queering Nuclear Weapons: How LGBTQ+ Inclusion Strengthens Security and Reshapes Disarmament

Giving an ostentatiously perverted kleptomaniac authority over radioactive waste disposal was not the last word in nuclear lunacy. From the piece:

During this Pride Month, we would like Bulletin readers to understand that the visible representation and meaningful participation of queer people matters for nuclear policy outcomes. …

Equity and inclusion for queer people is not just a box-ticking exercise in ethics and social justice; it is also essential for creating effective nuclear policy.

Because LGBT types are almost invariably moonbats, they can help us to unilaterally disarm:

Queer theory … shines a light on the harm done by nuclear weapons through uranium mining, nuclear tests, and the tax money spent on nuclear weapons ($60 billion annually in the United States) instead of on education, infrastructure, and welfare. The queer lens prioritizes the rights and well-being of people over the abstract idea of national security…

Meanwhile, the ChiComs are quickly building up their nuclear arsenal in preparation for the war Biden’s weakness is making inevitable. It is expected to be as big as ours by the end of the decade.

In case you haven’t grasped the integral role of postmodern gender theory in our atomic arsenal:

Queer theory also identifies how the nuclear weapons discourse is gendered: Nuclear deterrence is associated with “rationality” and “security,” while disarmament and justice for nuclear weapon victims are coded as “emotion” and a lack of understanding of the “real” mechanics of security. The Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp, a 19-year protest against the storage of US nuclear missiles in the United Kingdom, called attention to the gendered nature of nuclear weapons. The camp’s inhabitants—many lesbian—recognized that the same male-dominated power structures underpinned the oppression of women and nuclear armament. Their protests, often involving feminine-coded symbols like pictures of children, defined nuclear weapons by the existential threat they pose, instead of the protection they supposedly offer. From the queer perspective, the allegation of “derailing” substantive discussions through a non-traditional perspective on nuclear weapons is itself an attempt to exclude marginalized voices and reinforce the idea that nuclear weapons are a domain only for “serious” and “rational” (i.e. male) actors.

There won’t be any serious or rational actors getting in the way after Democrats have finished consolidating control.

Speaking of tightening the liberal stranglehold, prioritizing sexual perversion in the field of nuclear weaponry can help defend Our Democracy against the true threats as defined by the Biden Regime — namely, the phantom menace of White Supremacists…

Including a wider range of perspectives in nuclear decision making creates a more comprehensive definition of who or what constitutes a “threat” to nuclear security. An example of this is the threat posed by some white supremacist groups with plans to acquire nuclear weapons or material, which can go undetected when a white-majority workforce does not perceive these groups and their ideological motivation as a relevant threat to their nuclear security mission. Individuals targeted by these kinds of groups—including women, people of color, and the LGBTQ+ community—are more likely to identify these types of behaviors and attitudes as security risks and can play a crucial role in identifying a potential insider threat.

…and the imaginary climate crisis:

[T]he more than $100 billion that nuclear-armed states spend on nuclear weapons every year could be used to address the climate crisis, which could kill up to 83 million people by 2100.

Is that all? I thought it was up to 83 trillion people by next Thursday.

The ultimate threat is cis-heteronormativity:

Exclusion and unfair treatment of queer individuals [i.e., failure to promote them aggressively enough] and other minorities by a homogenous, cis-heteronormative community of practitioners … creates vulnerabilities in nuclear decision making. Cis-heteronormativity [i.e., the notion that it is normal to be normal] is the automatic assumption that someone is heterosexual and identifies with the sex assigned to them at birth. It creates the idea that being heterosexual and cisgender is normal and natural, whereas being queer or trans is a deviation.

No one psychotic enough to take woke Jabberwocky seriously should be allowed near sharp objects, let alone nuclear weapons. Yet this is the dogma of our ruling class, and under Democrat rule shapes policy even on matters as serious as nuclear weapons.

On tips from Steve T and Franco.

Jun 25 2023

Advice to School Librarians on Hiding Filth From Parents

Few parents are on board with the LGBTification of their children — although as we have seen, libraries tend to be. That makes hiding depraved propaganda from parents a useful skill for today’s librarian. A June 8 conference offered helpful tips:

Valerie Byrd Fort, an instructor at the University of South Carolina gave a seminar at Library 2.0’sBanned Books and Censorship” conference on how to handle LGBTQ content within the library, according to the conference recording. Fort’s suggestions included extra precautions such as that librarians keep “identity” labels, such as “LGBTQIA+” or “Gays Fiction,” off of books.

“Banned” books are reading materials decent parents would not want their children exposed to at school — i.e., depraved pornography presented for recruiting purposes.

“Don’t label the books with identity based subject headings like ‘LGBTQIA+’ or ‘Gays Fiction,’” Fort said. “Aside from being bad practice, it makes it too easy for parents or community members to find those kinds of books … Don’t make it hard for those necessarily easy for those groups to find, but make it easy for those who want the books. The examples here are to create ways for students to find these books by offering a physical list they can look at while they are in the library.”

I picture an unshaven guy with pink hair and bare legs pulling out the list from an inner pocket of his raincoat.

Students are even provided with “privacy covers” to help hide what they are reading.

These people know what they are doing is wrong.

On a tip from Franco.

Jun 25 2023

LGBT Groomers Target Special Needs Kids

Coming after children isn’t evil enough. They have to come explicitly after children with autism, who are even more vulnerable. They don’t feel the need to hide it:


by Line Up The Books & Drag Queen Story Hour NYC

Storytime with local drag performers, adapted to be more accessible to kids with autism and other disabilities.

Drag Story Hour is just what it sounds like—drag artists reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DSH NYC captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.

An organizer describes the focus on autistic children at Line Up the Books:

Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is exactly as awesome as it sounds: fabulous drag queens reading picture books to children. …

But in its first year in my city, I didn’t take my own kids to a single event. I knew my young twin boys, who both have autism, would be overwhelmed by the huge crowds, have difficulty meeting other people’s behavioral expectations, and wouldn’t connect with many of the books.

When I reached out to DQSH about my concerns, they set to work on collaborating with me and the NYPL on how to curate events that work for children with special needs like autism.

The participation of the New York Public Library confirms that taxpayers are forced to subsidize the grooming of vulnerable special needs children. It isn’t just a handful of perverts doing this; the entire liberal establishment is responsible.

On a tip from Barry A.


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