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Jul 01 2023

Open Thread

There is no reason to believe that bureaucrats and politicians, no matter how well meaning, are better at solving problems than the people on the spot, who have the strongest incentive to get the solution right. - Elinor Ostrom

Jun 30 2023

Expanded Free College for Criminals

Freeloaders suffered a setback today when the Supreme Court struck down Joe Biden’s unilateral student debt cancelation, which would have forced working people to pick up the tab for their moonbat overlords’ overpriced credentials. But all is not doom and gloom for Democrat voters. To the many benefits of being a criminal in a country run by the Party of Criminals, we can now add expanded free college:

Thousands of prisoners throughout the United States get their college degrees behind bars, most of them paid for by the federal Pell Grant program, which offers the neediest undergraduates tuition aid that they don’t have to repay.

That program is about to expand exponentially next month, giving about 30,000 more students behind bars some $130 million in financial aid per year.

The new rules, which overturn a 1994 ban on Pell Grants for prisoners, begin to address decades of policy during the “tough on crime” 1970s-2000 that brought about mass incarceration and stark racial disparities in the nation’s 1.9 million prison population.

Because punishing criminals creates “racial disparities,” we now reward them instead.

On tips from Franco, Steve T, Anonymous, Blackjack, and KirklesWorth.

Jun 30 2023

Anheuser-Busch Continues to Flounder

CEO Brendan Whitworth is not the one to rescue Anheuser-Busch from the Dylan Mulvaney debacle. Not if his Wednesday appearance on CBS Mornings is any indication:

While Whitworth did make it clear that the company will continue to support the LGBTQ community, he also defended the company’s decision to support anti-LGBTQ politicians. He also refused to give a clear answer on whether or not the promotion with Mulvaney was a mistake – which angered both sides.

You can’t not take sides in this fight after you have taken the LGBT side for years. Whitworth’s invertebrate squirming satisfies no one:

Unsurprisingly, Mr. Mulvaney has turned on Anheuser-Busch, squeaking,

“For a company to hire a trans person and then not publicly stand by them is worse in my opinion than not hiring a trans person at all.”

Having made the unforced error of identifying its beer with degeneracy, sexual perversion, and mental illness, Anheuser-Busch has two options: (1) double down and put Mulvaney’s creepy face on all its packaging, so that it can at least sell beer to Democrats; or (2) apologize for pushing LGBTism and mend its ways. It won’t do either, due to weak leadership. That’s why the crisis is spinning out of control.

Revelation 3:16 applies nicely to Bud Light and all other Anheuser-Busch brands:

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

On tips from Chad D.D. Lover, Anonymous, and Franco.

Jun 30 2023

Michigan Goes Full Tyranny

One of the advantages of our federal system is that it provides 50 different laboratories for testing new approaches. When one state makes a mistake, the others can learn from it, without the whole country stepping off a cliff. That’s why we have to watch and learn from Michigan, where the prominent Covid tyrant Gretchen Whitmer and her fellow Democrats are establishing a police state in which dissidents can be imprisoned for expressing their opinions:

Michigan’s House of Representatives has passed a hate speech bill, known as HB 4474, which criminalizes causing someone to feel threatened by words, including the misusing of their pronouns, with the possibility of a hefty fine or even jail time.

It will literally be a criminal act in Michigan to refer to a man as a man if he says he wants to be referred to as a woman. This is the equivalent of jail time for not proclaiming that 2 + 2 = 5.

The bill introduces hate crime penalties for causing someone to ‘feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened,’ with ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity or expression’ included as protected classes.

As we are reminded daily, the Alphabet People regard any resistance whatsoever to their demonic agenda to be terrorizing, frightening, threatening, et cetera.

All animals are equal, but LGBT animals are a lot more equal under liberal rule. Kneel before them or the hammer of Big Government comes down:

Offenders could face up to five years in prison for such a felony offense or a $10,000 fine.

Michigan Democrats have also been pushing abortion hard. New legislation bans helping teenagers to overcome perverse sexual urges of the type liberals encourage. The party has gone out of its way to identify itself with immorality.

Scrape off the surface layer of degeneracy and you find raw tyranny:

Distinguished Professor Emeritus William Wagner, a former federal judge and legal counsel in the U.S. Senate, joined the chorus of politicians and lawyers warning against the bill.

“Make no mistake about it. Those advocating for this legislation will wield these policies as a weapon capable of destroying conservative expression or viewpoints grounded in the sacred,” Wagner told The Daily Wire. “One merely needs to look at the scores of cases brought against schools, churches, businesses, and individuals around our country. Proponents use these laws to silence and financially cripple those who dare to adhere to a different viewpoint and oppose their agenda.” …

Wagner said that under HB 4474, someone could listen to a speaker such as a religious preacher or read a conservative writer and claim they’re being intimidated because their “perceived gender identity” is under attack. Under the legislation, intimidation and harassment could be up to the interpretation of the listener and a local prosecutor, according to Wagner, who added that the bill determines what is criminal “after the action,” the opposite of the due process required by the Constitution.

The Constitution was created by white males who never proclaimed themselves to be perverts or members of the opposite sex. Therefore, it is racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic and will soon face cancelation.

The bill to crush free speech in the name of LGBTism will likely pass the Democrat-controlled Michigan State Senate. Then Gauleiter Gretchen will sign it eagerly.

Detroit, once the wealthiest city in the country, epitomizes the Democrat Death Spiral. The whole state is likely to follow as genuine Americans escape, leaving an ever higher percentage of moonbats to elect ever more radical tyrants.

On tips from seaoh, MrRightWingDave, Ed McAninch, and Wiggins.

Jun 30 2023

Open Thread

It is the rule of law alone which hinders the rulers from turning themselves into the worst gangsters. - Ludwig von Mises

Jun 29 2023

Acceptance of LGBTism Was Only the Beginning

In case you were wondering why esteemed countermoonbat Ron DeSantis plans to abolish the Department of Education (along with the weaponized IRS), listen to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona explain the objective when it comes to instilling depraved LGBT ideology in children:

Barks the conspicuously creepy Cardona, “Acceptance isn’t the ultimate goal; it’s actually the minimum.” The maximum is brainwashed children having their genitals surgically removed in hopes of making them into lifelong perverts — unless Democrats are capable of conceiving of something even more satanic than their current policy.

Note the flag on Cardona’s lapel, the same one we have seen in the dominant position in front of the White House. Old Glory is our flag. Our rulers prefer a different one.

The federal government’s push to LGBTify children extends beyond the Department of Education:

That chilling scene featuring the rabid racist Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke and cross-dressing freakazoid Richard “Rachel” Levine is from a recent event entitled Creating Inclusive and Nondiscriminatory School Environments for LGBTQI+ Students — duckspeak for “Pushing LGBTism on Children.” The federal government prioritizes this as the nation tailspins into debt and decline.

You can’t say they haven’t produced results. Behold the success liberals have had at recasting American boyhood in their image:

That little guy has already learned to love the power that can be wielded in the name of glorified sexual psychosis. I would say he might be a future Democrat POTUS, but by the time he is old enough, his skin color will be a disqualification for the office.

On tips from Barry A and Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 29 2023

Biden: Putin Is Losing the War in Iraq

Now a word from our Commander in Chief:

No wonder they often have him wearing those cheesy sunglasses. Biden has no eyes; just slits exposing inner blackness.

This incompetent senile criminal really is the official Commander in Chief of the world’s most powerful (for the moment) military. No wonder the ChiComs are on the march, positioning themselves to fill the opening vacuum.

No worries; Biden’s praetorian media edited this to cover for him.

As is often the case, Biden’s gaffe offers insight into the mentality of the Regime. Putin in Ukraine = the USA in Iraq from the Democrat viewpoint, so it is easy for someone in a state of advanced mental decline to mix them up. Don’t be surprised if he confuses Zelensky with Iraqi insurgency leader Mohammed Younis al-Ahmed — assuming Biden was ever in the room while grownups talked about al-Ahmed.

On tips from Wiggins and Mr. Freemarket.

Jun 29 2023

Dutch Final Solution for Intellectual Disability

It was pure evil when Nazis did it. Fortunately, those fiends were expelled. Now it is woke liberals who run Holland:

Nearly 40 people who identified as autistic or intellectually disabled were legally euthanized in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2021, according to a Kingston University investigation of Dutch euthanasia cases.

This isn’t murder, because authorities had determined that their difficulties were untreatable obstacles to a normal life. Good thing for transsexuals that those in charge won’t say the same about their sexual psychoses — at least, not unless LGBTism falls out of fashion.

In the roughly 10-year period the study focused on, nearly 60,000 people decided to die via euthanasia in the Netherlands, according to the Dutch government’s euthanasia review committee. …

Many of the patients cited a number of mental, physical and age-related ailments as the reason for ending their lives — including unbearable loneliness.

Eight people, however, named the sole cause of their suffering as factors related to their intellectual disability…

Someone who is intellectually disabled does not decide to die in any meaningful sense, any more than children decide to undergo sex change procedures. That decision is being made for them.

The Netherlands is lifting age restrictions on killing sick children. Belgium kills healthy young women for being depressed. Canada has moved to exterminate the mentally ill. Euthanasia is spreading among blue states in the USA.

Communists ran up a nine-figure body count over the past century because life is cheap to leftists. Ask one about abortion and see for yourself.

On tips from Varla and Jack D.

Jun 29 2023

Transsexual Oppression: Guy Can’t Get Vaginal Exam

The authorities browbeat us with lectures about the oppression of sacred transsexuals, but it isn’t every day that we see an actual example of a guy dressed as a woman being discriminated against. This poor fellow was denied a proper vagina examination:

The flag behind him is the same one we have seen in the dominant position in front of the White House, because he shares the ideology of our ruling class, according to which he literally is a woman because he says he is. Liberals are psychotic by definition.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 29 2023

Open Thread

Never write when you can talk. Never talk when you can nod. And never put anything in an e-mail. - Eliot Spitzer

Jun 28 2023

Bud Light Marked Down to Virtually Free

The good news is that due to the boycott resulting from ramming LGBTism down costumers’ throats, Bud Light has been marked down to virtually free:

As the Fourth of July weekend rolls in, Bud Light is offering a rebate of up to $15 on purchases of a 15-pack of Budweiser, Bud Light, Budweiser Select or Budweiser Select 55. And in places where a 15-packs sells for less than $15, the beer could be practically free.

The bad news is that it wouldn’t be worth the price if they paid you to drink the watery swill, considering that Anheuser-Busch in general and Bud Light in particular have been forever branded as LGBT beer. It would be humiliating to be seen buying or drinking it.

On tips from Lyle and Jester.

Jun 28 2023

Envirokooks Kill Whales

Remember when their bumper stickers admonished us to Save the Whales? Now enviromoonbats kill the whales — to please the climate:

Along the Jersey Shore, several companies, including Atlantic Shores (owned jointly by oil and gas titan Shell and the French-based utility company EDF) and Danish-based Orsted, are mapping the ocean floor—the first step toward construction of hundreds of mammoth offshore wind turbines. Many will be smack in the face of some of the wealthiest shorefront communities on the East Coast. But it wasn’t just the soon-to-be disfigurement of the magnificent ocean views that got people really agitated. It was all those dead whales and dolphins.

From last December to mid-April, there were forty-one marine mammal strandings along the New Jersey shore alone. …

If you include New York whale strandings during that same time period, two minke whales, four more humpbacks, two sperm whales, and one unidentified whale can be added to the tally. And during the writing of this article, ten more dolphins stranded off the New Jersey coast, with another dead female minke whale, two deceased humpbacks observed floating in New York waters, and another unidentified whale washing ashore in Hempstead on East Atlantic Beach, Long Island.

The deaths have apparently been caused by offshore surveying activities, for which official authorizations to “harass” marine mammals has been granted.

No worries; our moonbat rulers say this is all “disinformation”:

There is “no evidence linking the strandings to offshore wind energy development,” said the Marine Mammal Commission, a government agency that was established by the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of 1972 to provide “independent oversight.” The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, more commonly referred to as NOAA Fisheries, agreed, as did the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). Quick to join in were environmental groups such as Greenpeace, which called any suggestion of a connection between whale deaths and sonar activity “a cynical disinformation campaign.”

Headlines soon started appearing, such as one in the Philadelphia Inquirer labeling suspicions of sonar involvement in whale deaths “right-wing conspiracy theories.”

No doubt the dead dolphins will rest easier in light of official denials from the liberal establishment.

The actual effect of windfarm activities on them is undetermined.

Marine mammals don’t matter. Whether hideous, inefficient, taxpayer-subsidized windmills have any effect whatsoever on the allegedly problematic climate doesn’t matter either. All that matters is righteous green posturing, which conveniently helps government officials launder taxpayer money.

On a tip from Bill V.

Jun 28 2023

Printed Food

Don’t worry, we won’t have to live off insects to appease the climate. Our globalist envirokook rulers will also allow us to eat printed food. Presenting the future of McDonald’s:

Netanyahu showed real courage by putting that stuff in his mouth. If only he had the guts to spit it on the floor and announce that eating real food does not make it be too warm outside.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jun 28 2023

Biden Official Extends Pride Month

Pride Month is almost over. Soon the volume of LGBT propaganda projectile vomited into our face from every direction by the liberal establishment will ease back to its usual level — or maybe not. Biden’s cross-dressing Assistant Secretary for Health Richard “Rachel” Levine — best known for advocating sex change surgery for children and for getting his own mother out of a nursing home while subjecting the other residents to Covid — has declared the extension of Pride Month to Pride Summer:

Next after Pride Summer comes Pride Year, all year, every year. Under Democrat rule, America is a theocracy. The state religion is moonbattery — i.e., depraved degeneracy.

On tips from Franco and KirklesWorth.


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