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Jan 06 2022

Party of Karens

Democrats’ arrogant smugness largely comes from their belief that through welfare and immigration policy, they can fundamentally transform America into a nonwhite nation, thereby ensuring permanent power for the Party That Hates Whites. Problem is, not all nonwhites hate whites. Everyone hates Karens though.

Kristin Tate sees hope:

As President Biden’s approval ratings have tanked with nonwhite voters, the Democratic Party increasingly has become dominated by liberal white women who virtue-signal with suburban lawn signs and then henpeck people in supermarkets to pull their face masks up over their noses. Or, put more simply, the Democratic Party is at risk of becoming a party of “Karens.” Recent polling suggests that Hispanic and Black voters are abandoning the party — many of these individuals are being harmed by the surging inflation, anti-business COVID measures, and exploding crime rates in urban areas brought about by a year of left-wing measures.

Despite condescending Hispandering by Democrats, voters with Spanish-speaking backgrounds are following in the footsteps of Irish and Italian immigrants before them.

In February, nearly 70 percent of Hispanic voters supported Biden — by November, that number had crashed to below 50 percent. In early polling for the 2022 midterms, Hispanic voters split 37-37 percent between the two major parties in their congressional preferences. …

Not only are émigrés from socialism among Venezuelan and Cuban Americans increasingly voting Republican, so are Mexican Americans — especially in South Texas. The disapproval rate for Biden among the group is higher than that among whites.

Despite rhetorical obsequiousness and all manner of favoritism, Dems are even losing blacks due to their sheer awfulness:

Among Black voters, Biden’s approval had fallen from 85 percent to 67 percent by September and has continued to slide.

Democrats are in deep trouble if minority groups start voting their individual interests rather than letting themselves be bullied by the media into voting as a Borg. No wonder we see a renewed push to steamroll the filibuster so that Democrats can impose “voting rights” — i.e., take control of elections so as to win through fraud.

On a tip from Jester.


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