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Dec 22 2021

Pharmacists Forced to Swear Oath to Critical Race Theory

In a truly totalitarian society, every aspect of life is coercively focused on the official ideology. In the Soviet Union, it was Marxism/Leninism. In Iran, it is Islam. In the United States, it is our state religion, critical race theory. That’s why newly trained pharmacists must swear an oath to this deranged and pernicious ideology, which is based on race hate toward America’s core population.

The College Fix reports:

An organization representing college pharmacy schools and a group representing pharmacists have passed an update to their Oath of a Pharmacist, requiring new members to commit to “diversity, equity, inclusion, and antiracism.”

By now, you don’t need to be a graduate student to know that “diversity, equity, and inclusion” is a euphemism for critical race theory. In this context, “antiracism” means racism against whites.

The changes were recommended by both the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Board of Directors and the American Pharmacists Association Board of Trustees and were finalized in November.

This oath to militant leftism will be applied retroactively:

The organizations will hold a profession-wide virtual event in early 2022 for pharmacists, faculty members, pharmacy students, and others to reaffirm the new oath. Further, the new oath will be used for all Spring 2022 pharmacy school commencement ceremonies.

Lakesha Butler, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Pharmacy, crows triumphantly that “the revised oath charges all pharmacists to take an active responsibility in promoting health equity.”

Equity means equality of outcome. Specifically, health equity means that members of disfavored racial groups must not be healthier than members of favored groups.

It is unclear how pharmacists will inflict equity on racial groups that are less prone to certain diseases due to healthier diet and lifestyle.

Actual line from the new oath:

I will promote inclusion, embrace diversity, and advocate for justice to advance health equity.

When you see the word “justice” in the context of leftist politics, it means they want to hurt someone.

On a tip from R F.


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