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Dec 22 2021

School Board Grants Additional Pay for Nonwhites

When leftists of the sort who dominate school boards say “antiracism,” they mean this:

The Mankato School Board voted unanimously earlier this month for a policy that may grant additional pay exclusively to non-white teachers.

Mankato is 82 miles southwest of Minneapolis, sacred site of the martyrdom of Saint George of Fentanyl.

The board is chaired by Jodi Sapp, who previously came under fire for requiring concerned parents to dox themselves in order to comment on school matters. Under her leadership, the board voted to amend district policy so that non-white teachers only may receive “additional stipends” to become mentors to other non-white colleagues.

This moonbattery came down from the state level:

[T]he board adopted the new language from Minnesota statute 122A.70, which commands that “school districts must develop teacher mentoring programs” and that districts may offer “additional stipends as incentives to mentors of color or [those] who are American Indian.”

Developing the programs is mandatory statewide; race-based stipends are not.

When woke liberals snarl the word “racist,” they are referring to people like Republican State Representative Jeremy Munson:

Munson criticized the new policy. “Our largest local school district just voted to pay people differently, not on merit, or by the content of their character, but based solely on the color of their skin,” he said, referring to the additional financial incentives available only to non-white teachers.

Try to imagine any other racial group being singled out as ineligible for stipends in this country.

The last time a society was this devoted to excluding and penalizing a racial group, they set up death camps.

On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.


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