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Sep 28 2024

Police Endorsement as Fake as Scamala

Moonbat X accounts like Harris Wins and Kamala HQ as well as the MSM have delightedly hyped the endorsement of Kamala Harris by Police Leaders for Community Safety:

Two weeks after the National Fraternal Order of Police (NFOP) endorsed former President Donald Trump, a newly formed liberal police leadership organization has endorsed Kamala Harris, who supported the “Defund the Police” movement, for the 2024 presidential election.

How the hell could any police organization support Democrats, who have gone out of their way to demonize, demoralize, and hamstring local police, putting their lives in jeopardy and rendering their jobs futile by releasing the criminals they catch? Comrade Cackala has specifically raised funds to bail sociopathic anti-police rioters out of jail. She explicitly said that their rioting should not stop.

A little background helps explain:

“Police Leaders for Community Safety” is a very small national advocacy (501(c)4) nonprofit that … was only recently activated in June of 2024, and is headed by former UW-Madison Police Chief Sue Riseling, whose rabidly left-wing, anti-Trump proclivities are openly on display on social media.

For perspective,

While the NFOP boasts more than 377,000 members, the newly formed Police Leaders for Community Safety claims to made up of “50 prominent law enforcement leaders.”

Like many college towns, Madison, Wisconsin is a suppurating pustule of moonbattery. Let’s learn more about its former Police Chief Sue Riseling:

While Police Leaders for Community Safety claims to be nonpartisan, its chairwoman’s X account betrays an obvious preference for Democrats, support for the Biden-Harris regime and animus toward Republicans, especially former President Donald Trump. The chairwoman frequently reposts content from left-wing disinformation outlets “Occupy Democrats,” “Call to Activism,” “The Palmer Report,” and “Republicans against Trump,” as well as posts from Joe Biden’s X account.

Judging from her past social media activity, Riseling wants Clarence Thomas impeached and regards it as “absolutely frightening” that pornographic material might be removed from public schools. Not exactly mainstream opinions for police officers.

That a leftist kook like Riseling could be placed in the position of Chief of Police, then exploit her title to advance a poisonous left-wing agenda, constitutes further evidence that DEI is out of control.

On tips from Jester and Chuck A.


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