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May 31 2023

Progressive Progress Report Regarding Christianity

To see what progressives are progressing toward, look beyond California, beyond even South Africa, to the place where leftists have achieved uncontested control — North Korea:

A two-year-old child and the toddler’s entire family have been sentenced to life in prison in North Korea after the parents were caught with a Bible in their possession.

The parents of the young child were sentenced to death.

According to the U.S. State Department, the two-year-old infant and other family members were sent to grueling prison camps.

At least they will be in good company there:

According to a new International Religious Freedom Report by the State Department, as many as 70,000 Christians are currently imprisoned in North Korea.

A majority of documented victims of the North Korean war on religion are women or girls. They are subject to sexual abuse and torture, because as in Hollywood,

Christians are regarded as on the lowest rung of North Korean society…

Let’s check in on the USA’s progress relative to the North Korean gold standard for moonbattery:

The Biden administration is doling out taxpayer money through an anti-terrorism grant initiative to a university program that has explicitly lumped the Republican Party, as well as Christian and conservative groups, into the same category as Nazis…

DHS’s Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program (TVTP) provides funds to various public, private, and non-profit institutions — such as universities and county governments — “to establish or enhance capabilities to prevent targeted violence and terrorism.”

“Terrorism” as defined by Democrats includes Catholicism, as the FBI has repeatedly confirmed.

Note that the logo of the Christian Broadcasting Network can be found among others representing groups that have been targeted for marginalization, demonization, and eventual eradication by the tolerant open-minded liberals who rule over us:

North Korea is only a couple of elections (or a packed Supreme Court) away.

On tips from seaoh and MrRightWingDave.


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