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Aug 02 2023

Social Justice Interrupted

Failure to assimilate can be a good thing, if these are immigrants who have failed to adjust to the way things work under liberal rule:

These guys defended not just their store but civilization. They deserve the key to the city. Instead, they will probably be thrown in jail.

The scumbag’s reference to insurance is typical. The idea that you shouldn’t mind being robbed if you have insurance is a common theme with Black Lives Matter types. You don’t pay; everyone who buys insurance pays. If the theft if widely distributed, we are expected not to object. The entire welfare state is constructed on this premise.

On tips from Tlabia Majora, Wiggins, and Dr. Kufi Tutite.


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One Response to “Social Justice Interrupted”

  1. […] 7-Eleven staff are not the only ones who have had enough of the moonbattery and are starting to push back. Some […]


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