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Jun 13 2023

Teachers Show Zero Tolerance for LGBT Resistance

Pushback will get pushback, especially at the front lines of the Culture War — e.g., in the schools liberals use to indoctrinate. When these high school kids respond with natural revulsion to having homosexual propaganda rammed down their throats in math class, the teacher threatens to sentence them to Saturday school:

“Why are you showing this to kids?” a kid asks. Not a bad question.

Ideological intransigence is not tolerated in college either:

A gender studies professor has proudly boasted of failing students who do not adhere to her hyper-woke beliefs, after a student complained of receiving a zero grade for a paper that used the term ‘biological women’.

Melanie Rose Nipper, a 28 year-old adjunct professor of sexuality studies at the University of Cincinnati, vehemently stood by her grading practices Thursday.

She did so after student Olivia Krolczyk complained about being failed for using the previously uncontroversial term ‘biological women’, now branded offensive over claims it excludes trans women.

True enough, the term “biological women” does exclude men who demand we pretend they are women.

Miss Krolczyk reports from behind enemy lines in academia:

This is what George Orwell meant about curtailing thought by curtailing the permissible vocabulary.

If so much as using the term “biological women” brings the liberal hammer down, you might as well go the whole hog and tell moonbats what you think of their repugnant ideology as commit the slightest infraction against political correctness.

On tips from Barry A and Ed McAninch.


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2 Responses to “Teachers Show Zero Tolerance for LGBT Resistance”

  1. […] The major emphasis of the LGBT agenda is to corrupt children. But kids are pushing back — and not only in Huntington Beach. […]


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