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May 06 2022

The Lighter Side of Hating Both Babies and Democracy

It isn’t easy to parody the evil Democrats reveal by using intimidation tactics in an attempt to impose abortion by federal decree rather than letting voters decide. The Babylon Bee still manages:

In a somber press release outside the burning gates of torment and suffering, the fire god Moloch warned of looming supply chain issues regarding child sacrifices. …

“My demon logistics department is reporting a supply chain shortage of children to sacrifice upon burning idols and in fiery pits,” said the god of brazen gratification and hedonism. “The scarcity of innocent young lives to be brutally murdered at my feet is mostly due to the US Supreme Court’s upcoming reversal of Roe v. Wade, led by white supremacist Clarence Thomas.”

For once a supply chain issue cannot be laid at the feet of hyperregulating Democrats.

An uncomfortably large percentage of the US population cried out in fear and terror at the prospects of not being able to sacrifice children of a loving Heavenly Father for their own, selfish desires. …

“What about my career as a corporate drone who loves binge-drinking on the weekends!” cried one woman at the steps of the Supreme Court building while holding a protest sign reading “My Body, My Choice, My Vanity, My Career, My Parties, My Barren, Loveless Life.”

You can see why Twitter locked its account. That beats trying to argue that the Babylon Bee does not portray the liberal mentality accurately.

Speaking of people Twitter has suppressed, Libs of Tik Tok is back in action after a suspension for countermoonbattery. This is not parody, but for real:

Letting moonbats rule over us is not an option.

On a tip from Jack S.


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