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Aug 06 2024

The Second Battle of Britain

Let’s see how long the esteemed countermoonbat Katie Fanning can stay out of prison after eloquently speaking truth to moonbattery regarding the subjugation of Britain by its Islamic conquerors:

That’s the kind of speech Keir Starmer intends to keep off the Internet.

Serious pushback will have to start soon if Britons are to save themselves from extinction. Could be the simmering pot is starting to boil over:

The second Battle of Britain is getting underway. Britons fought off the Nazis. Let’s see if they can do the same to the Muslim–moonbat alliance. There are two big differences: (1) this time the government/media is on the side of the invaders and (2) this time the stakes are higher because after occupation and tyranny will come total extirpation.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Wiggins.


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2 Responses to “The Second Battle of Britain”

  1. […] what you say about the war of extermination British authorities are inflicting on their people. Lisps Mark Rowley, London’s chief of […]


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