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Aug 05 2024

Exploiting Chaos to Attack Free Speech

Why is it that left-wing authorities allow and even encourage lowlifes to riot, whether they are Black Lives Matter looters in the USA or Islamic colonists in the UK? Britain’s anarchotyrant prime minister offers a clue:

Note Starmer’s emphasis on online communication.

Make a situation intolerable, establish rioting as a legitimate means of voicing grievances, and eventually people leftists don’t like will do it. January 6 following months on end of BLM riots is one example. The current unrest provoked by immigrant violence in the UK is another.

That’s when leftists finally take action — against regular people, whose guns they will confiscate and whose speech they will suppress.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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One Response to “Exploiting Chaos to Attack Free Speech”

  1. […] That’s the kind of speech Keir Starmer intends to keep off the Internet. […]


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