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Oct 03 2023

What Goes Around Comes Around to Henry Cuellar

Not even our Democrat rulers are immune from the violent chaos they have been imposing on us:

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) was reportedly carjacked at gunpoint in Washington, D.C., on Monday night.

It happened right outside his apartment building at around 9:30.

The congressman, whose district is on the U.S. southern border, is reportedly safe.

Unlike his constituents, who are the farthest from safe thanks to literally millions of lawbreakers being allowed to pour across the border by Cuellar’s party.

An alert that was sent out in the area said that the suspects were three black males.

Three black male hoodlums in the DC. That narrows it down to under half the population.

Even if Cuellar is a Democrat, let’s not laugh too hard at his misfortune:

Cuellar captured national attention after the May 6, 2023, Allen, Texas, mall shooting by rejecting calls for more gun control. While Texas is often criticized by the left for having less gun control than other states, Breitbart News observed Cuellar pointing out that shootings occur in states with high levels of gun control too.

Washington, DC, where Cuellar was carjacked by armed assailants, has some of the most stringent gun control in the country.

It isn’t every day that a Democrat is proven right. It only happens when they buck their own party.

On tips from Blackjack and Ed McAninch.


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