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Aug 01 2022

Would-Be Kavanaugh Killer Thinks He Is a Girl

After botching an assassination attempt on Brett Kavanaugh, who incurred his ire by not pretending there is a constitutional right to abortion, Nicholas Roske is a cinch to get off with the insanity defense à la John Hinckley. He is so nuts, he thinks he is a girl:

Court documents show that Roske identifies as a male to transgender female called Sophie. …

The would-be assassin also revealed that he was uncomfortable around other men.

In other words, Roske was a leftist loser who sought refuge within the degenerate, messed up world of transgenderism while simultaneously seeking to atone for his pathetic existence by carrying out extreme political violence.

Ever wonder who the hell would vote for what the Democratic Party has become? Roske could be the quintessential example.

On a tip from Dennis G.


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