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Jun 09 2024

Newsom Wants to Defund Police as California Decays

What to do when leftist tyranny is driving out the tax base and you have emptied the treasury providing free healthcare and sex-change surgeries to illegal aliens? For Gavin Newsom, the solution is simple: stop spending on public safety. Leadership is all about priorities:

The California Democrat’s proposed budget, released in May, notes that “difficult decisions” are necessary to address the estimated $27.6 billion deficit, which is projected to continue for years to come. It includes a $97 million cut to trial court operations, $10 million to the Department of Justice’s Division of Law Enforcement and more than $80 million to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.


Newsom proposed shifting money from the general fund, offering $1.7 billion for climate goals, particularly those related to “equity programs.”

There is nothing wrong with the climate, nor could California Democrats do anything about it if there were. They may as well flush the money down the toilet.

Also meanwhile,

Since the beginning of the year, there have been 8,686 thefts in San Francisco, not including 1,962 burglaries and 2,298 motor vehicle thefts, according to the latest available crime stats.

Detroit was once the wealthiest city in the country. Then it succumbed to the Democrat Death Spiral, whereby demographic transformation leads to Democrats getting elected, leading to leftist policies that drive out productive citizens, leading to more Democrats getting elected in a vicious cycle that inevitably produces economic and societal collapse. The erstwhile Golden State is going down the same drain.


On a tip from WDS 2.0. Graphic compliments of Chuck A.


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