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Mar 11 2024

AI Will Make Many of Us Second-Class Citizens

Google’s ham-fisted attempt to marginalize whites through artificial intelligence with Gemini is only the tip of the iceberg:

The manipulation of AI is just one aspect of broader “discrimination by algorithm” being built into corporate America, and it could cost you job opportunities and more.

The leftist ideologues running Big Tech are building “anti-bias” into everything. “Anti-bias” is Liberalese for bias against groups liberals don’t like.

For example, LinkedIn algorithms discriminate against whites:

LinkedIn justified the racial and other identity-group manipulation as necessary “to make sure people have equal access” to job opportunities, but what it meant by “equal access” was actually preferential treatment.

It is hard to push back against racism that happens under the hood.

Our leftist government plays a role:

The Biden administration has issued an executive order to require bias-free algorithms, but under the progressive DEI rubric built into this policy, the lack of bias is demonstrated not on equal treatment, but on “equity.”

Equity is a codeword for quotas.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Antiwhite discrimination is bias-free. See here for more on the Regime’s use of AI to inflict DEI discrimination.

Google’s black George Washington and lost job opportunities are only the beginning:

Discrimination by algorithm has the potential to manipulate every major detail of our lives in order to obtain group results and group quotas. …

Because Big Tech already knows a lot about you, including your race and ethnicity, it’s not hard to imagine discrimination by algorithm manipulating access to a host of goods and services.

Big Tech also knows your political inclinations.

Get turned down for a job, a loan, an apartment, or college admission? Could be a “bias free” algorithm at work.

But how do you prove it?

Imagine HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey programmed to hate conservatives, whites, men, heterosexuals, Christians, and all the other identity groups vilified as “privileged” by liberals. Then imagine a totalitarian society run by HAL. That’s our future under AI.

Hat tip: Legal Insurrection.


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One Response to “AI Will Make Many of Us Second-Class Citizens”

  1. […] Again we see that they are reducing us to second-class citizens in our own country. As the Democrat-run media crows, there have been job gains in America. But not for Americans: […]


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