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Sep 07 2023

American Libraries Have Been Repurposed

American libraries have fallen to the Long March Through the Institutions. Consequently, they have been repurposed, and no longer serve as repositories of American culture. On the contrary, they serve as a network to destroy that culture through socialist organizing.

Emily Drabinsky, the self-described “Marxist lesbian” who was elected president of the American Library Association, stated from the beginning that under her control the ALA would be used to promote the global warming hoax, wage class warfare, and punish people for being Caucasian in the name of “economic justice and racial equity.”

She is living up to expectations. Here she confirms that libraries are to be used as sites of socialist organizing:

We spent $trillions on a nuclear arsenal to defend us from these people. We were willing to blow the whole planet up rather than be enslaved by them. Then we let them take us over from within.

On a tip from Barry A.


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