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Apr 24 2022

Profiles in Progressivism: Emily Drabinsky

One by one the institutions that collectively comprise civilization fall to the leftists who infiltrate and subvert them. Once an organization has completely succumbed, its course is charted by the likes of Emily Drabinsky, the self-described “Marxist lesbian” who has been elected president of the American Library Association.

Historically, libraries are the primary repositories of culture. That gives Drabinsky a role in controlling ours. She describes her mission on her website:

So many of us find ourselves at the ends of our worlds. The consequences of decades of unchecked climate change, class war, white supremacy, and imperialism have led us here. If we want a world that includes public goods like the library, we must organize our collective power and wield it. The American Library Association offers us a set of tools that can harness our energies and build those capacities.

That is, the ALA will be used to promote the global warming hoax, wage class warfare, and punish people for being Caucasian. She decries the “dominance of North American and European publishers and vendors that restrict access and audience for readers and researchers around the world.”

Drabinsky’s priorities include “economic and racial justice” as well as a “Green New Deal for libraries.”

Social and economic justice and racial equity requires [sic] that we make a material difference in the lives of library workers and patrons who have for too long been denied power and opportunity on the basis of race, gender, sexuality, national origin, spoken language, and disability. As ALA president, I will direct resources and opportunities to a diverse cross section of the association and advance a public agenda that puts organizing for justice at the center of library work.

As Marxists march through the institutions, the purpose of each is subordinated to identical goals. The ALA isn’t about libraries anymore. It is about moonbattery.

On a tip from gregtuco.


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One Response to “Profiles in Progressivism: Emily Drabinsky”

  1. […] then, if the American Library Association is going to focus on imposing woke ideology, why shouldn’t the National Credit Union […]


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