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Nov 08 2021

Biden Regime May Kill Another Crucial Pipeline

Explaining a joke kills it, but in case anyone doesn’t understand why Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm laughed so hard when asked what the Biden Administration would do to increase energy production in the face of climbing prices, this story makes it clear:

The Biden Administration is considering shutting down a Michigan oil pipeline in another push to get the U.S, away from fossil fuels, despite warnings from Republican lawmakers who believe the move would result in fuel price shocks throughout the Midwest.

The administration is exploring the possibility of terminating the Line 5 pipeline – which links Superior, Wisconsin, with Sarnia, Ontario…

Throwing Americans out of work by pointlessly killing the Keystone XL pipeline, like the shutting down of oil drilling on federal land, was part of a continuing policy. Under Biden and his leftist handlers, the job of the Energy Secretary is to suppress energy production, not increase it. That’s what tickled Granholm’s funny bone.

As members of Congress note in a letter to the Biden Regime,

“Should this pipeline be shut down, tens of thousands of jobs would be lost across Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and the region; billions of dollars in economic activity would be in jeopardy; and the environment would be at greater risk due to additional trucks operating on roadways and railroads carrying hazardous materials.”

The price of home heating fuels was already expected to skyrocket this winter. Shutting down Line 5 will make this crisis even worse.

It will also worsen our relationship with Canada, which was already damaged by the Keystone XL shutdown. Canadians will be forced to sell their energy to our ChiCom adversaries instead.

Yet Biden greenlighted the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that will make Germany dependent on natural gas from Russia. Despite the phony rhetoric, this is not about the environment. It is economic sabotage by the same traitors who won’t close the border during an invasion.

On tips from Dragon’s Lair, Chuck A, and Mr. Freemarket.


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3 Responses to “Biden Regime May Kill Another Crucial Pipeline”

  1. […] to Democrats suppressing energy production and wildly spending money that we do not have, inflation is spiraling out of control. If not […]

  2. […] get their boot off the neck of the energy industry. They would open up drilling on federal lands, stop closing pipelines, and drop the pointless ethanol mandate. Turning to WSJ’s editorial […]


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