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Oct 12 2024

Brandon Johnson Uses Slavery to Justify Thievery

No wonder Brandon Johnson sides with rioters against law-abiding citizens. He is a looter himself.

From the Wall Street Journal:

On Monday Mr. Johnson replaced the entire Chicago school board with his allies after the previous board resigned en masse last Friday. The previous board opposed the mayor’s plan to take a $300 million high-interest loan to hand raises to the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), which funded his election campaign.

Johnson ran on the Black Lives Matter platform. The scale of his looting puts even BLM to shame:

The Chicago school district is junk rated, so Mr. Johnson’s plan for a $300 million loan would cost CPS more than $700 million. The union wants 9% annual raises, climate initiatives and affordable housing units, among other non-teaching benefits that would cost between $10.2 billion and 13.9 billion, according to the Illinois Policy Institute.

The insatiable greed of public sector unions and their allies is driving the entire state into bankruptcy. Against those who don’t approve, Johnson brandishes the slavery card:

“When our people wanted to be liberated and emancipated in this country, the argument was, you can’t free black people because it would be too expensive,” he said. “They said that it would be fiscally irresponsible for this country to liberate black people. And now you have detractors making the same argument of the Confederacy when it comes to public education in this system.”

Meanwhile, as a result of unions running the schools,

Only 25% of Chicago students are proficient in reading and only around 20% are proficient in math, according to data from Wirepoints.

Other than the Brandon Johnson campaign, where does all the money sucked up by the CTU go? No one knows, because it has not produced a public audit of its finances since 2020 — in violation of its bylaws.

Yet again we see that Brandon Johnson personifies the Democrat Death Spiral. A city that would elect him has no future.

On a tip from Varla.


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