California Educrats: XX ≠ XY = Swastika
Screeching that Donald Trump is Hitler worked so well for moonbats, they are applying the same strategy to inject sexually deranged boys into girls’ locker rooms and force girls to compete against them in California’s Riverside Unified School District:
[T]wo girls, Kaitlyn and Taylor, are cross-country runners for Martin Luther King High School and wore T-shirts displaying the messages “Save Girls Sports” and “It’s Common Sense. XX ≠ XY” to practice.
Kaitlyn and Taylor’s families are now suing the school after its officials allegedly forced the girls to remove and cover their shirts, told them that wearing the shirts was like “wearing a swastika in front of Jewish students,” and moved the girls to the Junior Varsity cross-country team.
Real girls get moved to junior varsity to make room for politically preferred transsexuals.
On a tip from MrRightWingDave.
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