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Dec 18 2024

California Restricts Banning Porn in Schools

In the upside-down world of moonbat rule, the government does not restrict pornography in public schools; it restricts restricting pornography:

The mainstream media and politicians claim parents are demanding “book banning” without providing any context – thus Assembly Bill 1825, authored by Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance), was jammed through the California Legislature, signed by Governor Gavin Newsom September 29, 2024, to shut parents up.

Any moonbat barking about books being banned is probably referring to LGBT-oriented pornography being removed from public schools under pressure from furious parents.

“I am introducing the California Freedom to Read Act to fight book bans at public libraries,” Assemblyman Muratsuchi said of his bill. “Unfortunately, there is a growing movement to ban books across the country, including in California. Book banning proponents are disproportionately targeting materials containing the voices and lived experiences of LGBTQ and communities of color.”

The “lived experiences” of the LGBTQ community are not something decent people would expose children to. But decent people don’t have much say in California these days.

Here’s why Democrats deemed the bill necessary:

Because parents were so outraged that the California State Board of Education approved highly controversial changes to the state’s health and sex education framework including teaching children about bondage, anal sex, pederasty, sex trafficking, sexual orientation and transgender and non-conforming students back in 2019, many ran for school boards across the state to get a handle on the sexual garbage being peddled to their kids, the Globe reported.

To sum up,

Public education in California has become sinister, as have the state’s Democrat politicians.

As California once again demonstrates, moonbats must be pried from power at every level.

On a tip from R F.


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