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Jul 29 2024

Dems Openly Plan Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

The uncountable millions of foreign invaders the Biden/Harris regime has invited to illegally cross our borders will be officially legalized soon after the Border Czar fails upward all the way to POTUS. A fellow Marxist, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), confirms it:

Warren made the comments during a Sunday morning appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” with host Jake Tapper.

Screeched Fauxcahontas:

“I believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship [i.e., amnesty for illegals]. … Kamala Harris will work with Congress and get that done.”

There is little point importing illegal aliens until they have been signed up for welfare and registered as Democrats. Then they will effectively enslave us through the federal government. We will work so they don’t have to.

In their arrogance, Democrats hardly bother to hide the ball anymore, openly scheming to eradicate the American nation with an unending torrent of moochers from the Third World. The fix must be in for November.

On a tip from WDS 2.0. Hat tip: Legal Insurrection.

Jul 29 2024

California School Forces Girls to Sleep With Boys

Having been subverted by moonbats, public schools are no longer very useful for teaching the three R’s, much less passing along American heritage to the next generation. Now they have a new purpose: social engineering so as to instill liberal mores. In California, children are forced to sleep with members of the opposite sex.

Say a girl in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District doesn’t want to sleep with a boy who has been taught to say he’s a girl…

The only option for students who are uncomfortable staying in a room with transgender students is to opt out of the trip, Sarah Coley, the school district’s administrative director, said in an email to school district employees regarding a sixth-grade science trip.

Coley strongly implied that it would be bigoted not to pretend that boys pretending to be girls are not actually girls.

A mother who asked to remain anonymous due to concerns about threats to her family told The Daily Signal that parents should be able to assume their child is safe with school officials, but they can’t in the Newport-Mesa district. The mother said she chose to take her children out of the district and homeschool them a few years ago.

At this point, not to do so would qualify as child endangerment.

“You just have to assume that my child is not safe, which is really scary,” she said. “The school does not have your child’s best interest at heart. They are more concerned with social justice issues.”

Forcing girls to sleep with boys is not the worst thing to come out of this district.

Newport-Mesa is the same school district where a high school promoted an LGBTQ organization that helps minors find referrals for irreversible transgender surgeries and hormone regimens.

When sick people take control of an institution, they put it to sick purposes.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.

Jul 29 2024

Open Thread

When each of us is free to work out his own economic destiny, within the framework of the market economy, the institution of private property, and the general rule of law, we will all improve our economic condition much faster than when we are ordered around by bureaucrats. - Henry Hazlitt

Jul 28 2024

EV Battery Ignites in Elevator

Bad enough when a truckload of EV batteries bursts into flames and shuts down a major highway for hours on end. Worse still is when someone get stuck in an elevator with one of these hazardous devices. Even ebike batteries can put your life at risk:

No worries…

While the video is undoubtedly alarming, it’s crucial to avoid panic and misinformation. The incident should serve as a reminder to handle EV batteries with caution, but it doesn’t negate the numerous benefits of electric vehicles.

These advantages consist of allowing leftist pols to virtue signal about what they are willing to do to us in the name of the environment by imposing electric vehicles. Also, there are certain economic advantages for the communist Chinese and their assets in the West. No other benefits of electric vehicles come to mind.

On a tip from Varla.

Jul 28 2024

Watch Kamala Harris Endorse Illegal Immigration

Those who violate our laws in order to invade our country and enslave us via the welfare state are not criminals. Border czar Kamala Harris is adamant about it:

Remember now, don’t ever call illegal aliens “illegal aliens.” According to Kamala, that is as bad as calling radical Islamic terrorism “radical Islamic terrorism.”

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 28 2024

No Wonder They Like Illegal Aliens

Mark Kelly was elected US Senator largely on the platform, My Wife Was Shot So I’m Taking Your Guns. Despite voting consistently for the radical Democrat agenda, he has been portrayed by the media as a moderate. Some say Obama wanted to set him up as the party’s figurehead at the convention, but Biden once again F’ed things up by handing the car keys to Cackling Kamala. Now Kelly is on the short list for VP candidates. So let’s take a closer look:

They pulled a predictable switcheroo to replace Biden before November. Maybe there was an earlier switcheroo during Kelly’s astronaut days.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 28 2024

Transgender Cyclists Take Top Three Spots

Stick a fork in women’s cycling. Moonbattery has officially killed it.

From Redmond, Washington:

The annual Marymoor Grand Prix kicked off on Friday at the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome with at least three transgender athletes taking part in a 2-person relay of the Elite Women’s division.

According to results made available on Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome’s website, the top three teams each had one biological male. They included Jordan Lothrop, Jenna Lingwood and Eva Lin.

The rest of women’s sports will soon follow. Every Democrat who like the Biden/Harris Regime supports the depraved Equality Act supports this.

Maybe this will help congresscritter Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) get her head around why so many women will be voting for Trump.

On a tip from seaoh.

Jul 28 2024

Open Thread

The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater. - Frank Zappa

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.

Jul 27 2024

Honest Kamala Harris Ad

If they ever run out of lies, politicians will have to fall back on honesty. That might look something like the ad below, in which Kamala Harris gives the actual arguments in favor of her becoming the figurehead for our leftist ruling class:

On tips from WDS 2.0, ABC of the ANC, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 27 2024

Watch Kamala Harris Endorse Defunding the Police

From now until November, it is the job of the “mainstream” media to present Kamala Harris as moderate. She is anything but. Given that she raised funds to bail Black Lives Matter rioters out of prison so they could get back to inflicting mayhem, it should surprise no one that she is on the record as supporting defunding the police:

We don’t need local police. All we need is more socialism.

Jul 27 2024

Kamala Harris Also Failed as Broadband Czar

Kamala Harris was not only the border czar, she was also the broadband czar. Her performance was the same in both roles — total failure:

Biden tapped Kamala Harris to serve as the rural broadband czar in 2021. Part of her task was overseeing the implementation of a $42 billion program to connect Americans in rural and remote parts of the country to the Internet. According to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) member Brendan Carr, however, after almost 1,000 days, not a single person has actually been connected to the web.

Why not? Because moonbattery:

Internet service providers (ISPs) and lawmakers on Capitol Hill contend the Biden-Harris government’s burdensome regulations—including climate change mandates, union worker requirements, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies—have brought progress on expanding rural Internet access to a halt.

Considering that the Swamp is based on the principle of failing upward, Cackling Kamala has a perfect record.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.

Jul 27 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.

Jul 26 2024

Watch Kamala Harris Support Islamic Terror

Because their ideology is based on postmodernism, leftists emphasize exerting control through language. You can tell what they support by what they demand we euphemize. Just as we mustn’t call illegal aliens “illegal aliens,” we mustn’t call radical Islamic terrorism “radical Islamic terrorism.” Watch Kamala Harris give the order:

The horrific terror atrocities of 10/7 targeted innocent women and children for rape, mutilation, and murder. This inspired an ongoing epidemic of leftist protests in support of Hamas that frequently cross the line into riots. Just the day before yesterday, they tore down the US flag from Union Station in DC, burned it, and replaced it with the Palestinian flag — which in the current context is equivalent to any other flag representing Islamic terror.

Consistent with its dogma, the Democrat base is firmly on the side of Muslim terrorists in their war against Western Civilization. No wonder pro-terrorist Kamala Harris was chosen as the new Democrat figurehead.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 26 2024

Open Thread

Compliments of Chuck A.


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