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Aug 30 2023

Could Global Warming Turn Earth Into Venus?

The reason leftists of the climate cult like models so much is that they strike the naïve as scientific, yet can be used to prove anything imaginable. The wannabe globalist tyrants of the World Economic Forum have even used them to prove that Venus — with its sulfuric acid cloud cover and mean surface temperature of 867°F — was just like Earth before climate change came:

According to recent climate modelling, for much of its history Venus had surface temperatures similar to present day Earth. It likely also had oceans, rain, perhaps snow, maybe continents and plate tectonics, and even more speculatively, perhaps even surface life.

Despite Venus being 40 million kilometers closer to the sun, it can’t be ruled out that it even had Starbucks. Then came global warming.

Less than one billion years ago, the climate dramatically changed due to a runaway greenhouse effect. It can be speculated that an intensive period of volcanism pumped enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to cause this great climate change event that evaporated the oceans and caused the end of the water cycle.

Fortunately, we have taken steps to prevent that from happening here. The Biden Regime has declared war on light bulbs and ceiling fans.

In case that does not suffice, we must succumb to hysteria, forsake our freedom and standard of living, and place our fate in the hands of globalist Experts, whose models will tell them exactly what must be done to us.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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