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Aug 11 2023

Democrats Come for Ice Cream Trucks

Nothing is safe from Democrats, not even ice cream trucks. Brooklyn City Councilweenie Lincoln Restler finds them environmentally incorrect:

Restler’s proposal advocates for a mandatory shift from fuel and diesel-powered ice cream trucks to more environmentally friendly alternatives such as electric or solar generators.

As always with envirotyranny, there is a downside:

While the shift to electric or solar generators is viewed as a positive step toward reducing pollution, some operators fear the associated costs might threaten their livelihoods.

However, to quote liberal luminary Shrillary Rotten Clinton,

“I can’t be responsible for every undercapitalized small business in America.”

We have a climate emergency, after all. The climate doesn’t like ice cream trucks.

Also, there is competition with the Left Coast to consider. Squeaks Restler:

“California is working on a similar effort. I hope we can continue to take the lead in New York City for climate justice.”

Only one moonbat dystopia can be the leader in climate justice.

On a tip from Lyle.


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2 Responses to “Democrats Come for Ice Cream Trucks”

  1. […] Donuts-CRAZY! Ice Cream? Also CRAZY! […]


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