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Apr 04 2023

Disqualified From Adoption for Moral Decency

Everything is upside-down and backward under moonbat rule. Jessica Bates has been forbidden from adopting children explicitly because of her sanity and moral decency, forcing her to sue Oregon’s Department of Human Services:

According to the lawsuit, state officials denied Bates’s application to adopt, not because of a lack of financial resources or any history of abuse or neglect, but because she acknowledged that her Christian faith informs her that gender and sex aren’t a choice. She was also denied because she said she would be unwilling to use pronouns that don’t align with a child’s sex or to take a child to an appointment to receive cross-sex hormone treatments.

It is not only Christian faith but fundamental biology that informs us that male and female are intrinsically different. Disorienting a child with alternative pronouns is leftist indoctrination. Sterilizing and deforming a child with cross-sex hormone treatments is child abuse and among the few crimes that would warrant capital punishment. But in Oregon, refusal to inflict this crime against nature upon children is what is punished.

Bates and her lawyers argue that the state’s adoption rules and regulations, specifically around mandated beliefs about sexual orientation and gender identity, clearly violate Bates’s First Amendment rights to free speech and to freely exercise her religion.

They also violate basic decency. She is being denied a chance to sacrifice her time and money on behalf of children because local rulers want adoptive parents to sacrifice the children on behalf of a deranged sexual agenda that results in a 40% attempted suicide rate.

Democrats are not just anti-Constitution but anti-human. The Party of Government is also the Party of Evil.

Bates, a widow and an ultrasound technician at a hospital in Ontario, Ore., already has five biological children, ages 10 to 17, with her deceased husband, David.

No one is saying she isn’t a good mother. That’s why she can’t adopt — because she is a good mother.

Incidentally, her widowhood may also be a consequence of moonbat rule:

She became a widow in January 2017, when a man who had recently been released from a state hospital abducted his wife, fled from police in a pickup, and crashed into their car while she and her husband were driving to work, according to the lawsuit. David Bates died at the scene. Jessica suffered a concussion, broken bones, and a collapsed lung.

Liberals have been allowing criminal maniacs to run loose, possibly on the assumption that the inevitable violence can be exploited to advance gun confiscation.

Oregon explicitly pressures adoptive parents to push children in the direction of sexual deviancy:

According to the lawsuit, the state’s handout materials include examples of behavior the state expects of prospective parents, including: displaying “symbols indicating an LGBTQ-affirming environment,” including the rainbow flag and a pink triangle; displaying “pictures and posters of diverse people who are known to be LGBTQI2-S … and families with same-sex parents”; using “language that they [the child] use to express their sexual and gender identity”; and participating in “LGBTQ community activities,” including taking them to Pride parades. …

Bates said there is no option to even be essentially neutral regarding transgender affirmation. “You have to support it,” she said.

As mentioned earlier,

There have been many tyrannies throughout history, but never one openly devoted to imposing a perverted sexual agenda out of sheer moral depravity.

On a tip from Varla.


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  1. […] blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on being disqualified for adopting for moral […]


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