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Sep 02 2024

English Universities Abolish Anglo-Saxons

The self-hatred at the core of leftism has reached such an extreme in academia that the University of Nottingham is erasing Anglo-Saxons — a.k.a. people who are ethnically English — from English history. File this one under cultural genocide:

[I]n a move to “decolonise the curriculum”, professors have renamed a masters course in Viking and Anglo-Saxon Studies as Viking and Early Medieval English Studies.

To “decolonize” is to purge of Western Civilization, which is regarded as unholy in the moonbat religion.

The university has also said it is seeking to “problematize the term ‘Viking’”…

You can see why Google’s AI pretends Vikings were of African ancestry.

The stated objective is to suppress “nationalist narratives.” To take pride in English civilization is thoughtcrime.

It isn’t only English academics who want to purge the English from history.

It follows a similar move in the United States, where academics in particular have campaigned against the term “Anglo-Saxon” because it suggests a distinct, native Englishness.

There is no such thing as Englishness, just as there is no such thing as a woman.

The terminology of “Early mediaeval England” is the preferred replacement for “Anglo-Saxon” by academics concerned that the latter has become a phrase used by racists surrounding white identity.

A racist is a white person who doesn’t like it that the ruling class wants them not to exist.

In 2023, it was revealed that the University of Cambridge, home to a leading Anglo-Saxon department, was teaching students that Anglo-Saxons did not exist as a distinct ethnic group as part of efforts to undermine “myths of nationalism”.

Next social engineers will claim there is no such thing as Caucasians — because saying it is a step toward making it true.

The [insanity at University of Nottingham] follows a pledge made in the wake of Black Lives Matter protests to decolonise the curriculum, a term denoting a move away from Western-centred material and the dominance of “white voices” in academia.

We certainly wouldn’t want white voices heard in a place like England — which will probably see a name change to New Jamaica in the foreseeable future.

It would be impossible to overstate the perniciousness of ivory tower leftists. Entrusting them as the custodians of Western history and heritage is like putting pedophiles in charge of schools and children’s entertainment.

Hopefully the communist Chinese are keeping records of European history, so that it won’t be forgotten entirely.

On a tip from Barry A.


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